Author Topic: what is next for Genesys?  (Read 5784 times)

Offline victor

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what is next for Genesys?
« on: August 29, 2007, 05:35:57 AM »
Hi, guys,

I was wondering if you could fill me on your thoughts what you think is next for Genesys.


Offline mark

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Re: what is next for Genesys?
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2007, 09:50:19 AM »
A single rpeorting package that encompases everything that a contact centre could need. No need to go to different applications to get different parts of reports.
web based CCPulse?
Genesys CRM package?

There were things mentioned at gforce, but I seemed to have forgotten most of them!!


Offline victor

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Re: what is next for Genesys?
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2007, 03:45:49 AM »
I think it tells you a lot if you managed to forget all of them. I remember how excited I was at GExpress, which fizzled into oblivion (at least here). I was listing Genesys strengths over Avaya's line of products, and SIP+reporting tops everything else. Needless to say, complexity, need for integration and lack of complete package (including softphone and CRM) at a very to understand (and affordable price) is a big disadvantage.

Extremely weak 3rd-party product line is another major disadvantage.

Anything else?

Best regards,


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Re: what is next for Genesys?
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2007, 08:04:31 AM »

Do I detect a small amount of cynicism in your note?  You're not getting disillusioned by the Genesys product suite, are you...?  ::)


Offline Adam G.

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Re: what is next for Genesys?
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2007, 10:09:31 AM »
Well that's 2 of us that are disillusioned.......

(BTW I'm back)



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Re: what is next for Genesys?
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2007, 10:48:45 AM »
I think, on the whole, given that the Genesys core products are exceptionally configurable, they are possibly growing at speeds which Genesys themselves are at odds to support, which is the crux of this particular thread...

Many moons ago, when your installation of a TServer meant knowing what the DOS prompt screen was telling you (5.0/5.1), things were more complex for the engineer.  Therefore, the engineer needed to be better versed in the product.  These days, anyone (!?) can run a wizard install... with almost infinite possibilities to get it wrong.  If, as the engineer, you are familiar with other standards of software installation (which basically ask things like: "where do you want to install this software?" and "do you want to place a shortcut icon on your desktop?" or "Installation complete - do you want to start the application now?"... etc.) then the installation of the software if very straightforwards.  The bit we all now to be true is what you do [i]after [/i] that is paramount to how the product functions...

So, we have easy to install software components, multi-configurable options, easy to use GUI's (!) and then a whole host of bugs and gliches to be addressed by Hot Fixes and strong suggestions from Genesys to "upgrade to the next version".  I may be on my own in this thought but addressing bugs by applying hot fixes and compulsory upgrades means that there is very little scope for people like me actually utilize and advise our business areas of any new functionality.  Seen from the business eyes, we are constantly applying compulsory changes, with little or no functional benefits to the them - just "annoying instances of downtime" which ultimately affect our SLA.

Taking a step back, then;

Core staff need in-depth training from Genesys, at component level - a return to the basics. Hitting the "go" button on a wizard install and filling in the details does not tell you what you are affecting nor where it all went wrong...
Genesys Support need to support the core products in a much more pro-active way.  I have heard that a new process of support is in development and that will be a much quicker process for addressing business critical items.  The way it is approached today (Tier 1, Priority B, SR, FR ... blah blah blah) tells me that they are wholly disconnected from the cusotmer requirements to have a real-time issue addressed immediately - not in a week!- or in the next version...

Yes, I am expecting that Genesys eyes are on this thread...  ;D
