Author Topic: Maximum number of RequestRegister  (Read 5847 times)


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Maximum number of RequestRegister
« on: August 07, 2007, 07:16:23 AM »
Is there a maximum number of RequestRegisterAddress one can issue through single SDK protocol object? There isn't anything in the documentation regarding this. Can I have hundred of DNs registered through one protocol object using voice platform?

I looked everywhere for something talking about this and the closest I could find was sizing document for Nortel T-Server, which it mentions that SCCS will be the biggest bottleneck, meaning there is no limit on how many DNs one T-Server can support.

Also, has anyone tried issuing multiple RequestRegisterAddress with the same DN? Do I really have to issue one RequestUnregisterAddress once I am done with DN or can I just issue RequestRegisterDn everytime CTI client connects and just forget about unregister command?  ???

Marked as best answer by on February 09, 2025, 12:26:40 PM

Offline bublepaw

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Re: Maximum number of RequestRegister
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2007, 06:36:33 AM »
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  • As for registering for mulitple DN's You should take a look at RegisterAll -> this command enables You to receive all events for all objects monitored by TServer -> the only problem is that with so much information clients are sometimes disconnected by TServer if they are unable to process events.

    RequestRegister is valid for connection -> which means each time You connect You must issue RequestRegister. When You disconnect, Your client is removed from every DN it has registered to.

    Offline genesysguru

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    Re: Maximum number of RequestRegister
    « Reply #2 on: February 16, 2020, 03:46:12 PM »
    Pawel - what is the advice now that requestRegisterAll has been removed in PSDK 9.0?
