great thing about this forum is that you can register to receive an email whenever a new post or a reply to the post is made. And, wow, here I am, replying to the post within ten minutes. Not bad

I wonder if Genesys Support can bit that

Look Ma, No Hands!!!!

Regarding your question about Asynchronous Programming, actually, after digging in a little bit more, I found that Genesys offers two types of ways to send request to TServer: REQUEST and SEND. Request is what I have been trying to use for the last few days, and I found it very fun to use, except for the fact that you never know what sort of reply you get. And of course, it cannot handle any sort of events

So, once again, I decided to peruse through introduction to GSDK and Lo' and behold: Commons.Connection for Java was the answer. Beats me why it was there (Uhmmm, Introduction to Genesys SDK manual would be a fun thing to have - and if there is one out there, I guess I should have looked harder) and there is a section there talking about Solicited and Un-Soilicited Events. I remember just scrolling through the section because I thought it was just a basic: Request<->Event fundamentals, and then I found this:
"Once you have created the request and set any required properties, you can continue in two different ways. You could send() the request and then wait for the response:....."
Yes, this is what I needed!!! So, a quick test showed that you can replace protocol.request with protocol.send and it would still work. The only difference is that you need to create a separate thread that would just wait for the events.
What you need to do, is something like this:
[color=green][font=Verdana]Message tserver_event = protocol.receive();
That would do the trick!
Tell me if you need a bit more of a sample!!!