Author Topic: Another quiet day  (Read 5277 times)

Offline victor

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Another quiet day
« on: April 25, 2007, 03:37:29 AM »
Interestingly enough, it has been quit queit on the board during the last few days.
I am not sure if I should be happy or worried about it.

We go to about 2000 hits per day four days in a row and then we drop to 700. Anyone has any clues?
Usually I don't care a lot about it, but I am concerned that maybe moving it to portal was a big mistake because people have problem finding the forum and maybe this is why they do not go in anymore.

Offline cavagnaro

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Re: Another quiet day
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2007, 05:32:12 AM »
Any changes to the meta on the http?
The site is ranked on 10th when searching "Genesys Forum", but do you have some tool to show what people searched to arrive here? Webstats maybe?
It's also good to find some other websites that can link your site.

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Re: Another quiet day
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2007, 12:52:03 PM »
I wouldnt get too concerned just yet, ive it a few days and see if it stabalises.

Offline victor

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Re: Another quiet day
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2007, 05:12:27 AM »
It is p pretty interesting to see how the traffic to the site fluctuates. Last month was yet another record in terms of hits, but I do not think we would have as many this month. There were few holidays this month, but nothing that big to justify a significant downturn (not that we are having any, but we are seeing a much lower per day hit as compared ot last month). We used to climb close to 2000 pageviews per day... now it is more like 800... I have installed Google Analytics to see the reason, and it seems many of new comers do not go past the front page... I definitely think we need to incorporate board panel into the front page.

Still, we are pretty big for a Genesys community and I am amazed how Genesyslabs would not add us to their links... I guess we need to contact them and ask them again!

The new stats from Google Analytics show the performance for the last week or so since I have added it to our site.
I wonder why the traffic is going down while the number of users keep on climbing!
