it’s my first message in this forum. I have a question about OCS’s behaviour in T-Server Log. At the moment, when some agents are login in the different agents group (all campaigns working in progressive mode), I notice in T-server Log of extension attribute on EventRinging event, those informations:
Example 1: ‘GCTI_OTHER_DEVICE_NAME’ ‘250 => 11250 *’ (11250, it’s a outbound routing point for campaign 1)’
‘GCTI_PARTY_NAME’ ‘250 => 11250 *’
Example 2: ‘GCTI_OTHER_DEVICE_NAME’ ‘250 => 11251*’ (11251, it’s a outbound routing point for campaign 2)
‘GCTI_PARTY_NAME’ ‘250 => 11251 *’
Example 3: ‘GCTI_OTHER_DEVICE_NAME’ ‘250 => 11252 *’ (11251, it’s a outbound routing point for campaign 3)
‘GCTI_PARTY_NAME’ ‘250 => 11252 *’
For each EventRinging outbound calls with different agents and campaign , I have still the same information: ‘GCTI_OTHER_DEVICE_NAME’ ‘250 => XXXXX *’ and ‘GCTI__PARTY_NAME’ ‘250 => XXXXX *’ (it’s an extension declaring in Genesys but not used in campaign, only used by agents for incoming calls). I check the PBX configuration (Alcatel 4400). I don't see any forwarding parameters (program key, Dynamic State User, Entities, Pickup Group, Hunt Group and RSI Point). I ask this question because the agent works with extension ‘250’ receive an outbound call despite that he is login in inbound agent group (blending mode not used for this group).
Thank you for your help.