Author Topic: Using GVP and Scan Soft Open Speech Attendant (OSA)  (Read 4198 times)

Offline Chattguy

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Using GVP and Scan Soft Open Speech Attendant (OSA)
« on: April 16, 2007, 02:41:07 PM »
Nobody at the Genesys Dev Zone has touched this question.  Maybe I will get more of a response here.  Here is the situation.  Calls arrive at GVP and sent to OSA, via GVP.  The caller states the department that they want and the OSA sends the call to that GVP menu.

Problem:  The calls default everytime, because the DNIS sent with the call is the OSA DNIS that the call passed from the first time.  Does anyone have any ideas how to circumvent this?  Thanks in advance!

Offline CTIgem

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Re: Using GVP and Scan Soft Open Speech Attendant (OSA)
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2007, 03:26:53 PM »
Can't you add the OSA number to DNIS mapping table in GVP provision app?

Offline Chattguy

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Re: Using GVP and Scan Soft Open Speech Attendant (OSA)
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2007, 03:46:57 PM »
It is already being used for the GVP application that sends the call to the OSA.  i.e. Call arrives at DNIS 6000 (GVP app to send to OSA) GVP sends call to OSA with DNIS 6000, caller asks for menu "XYZ" and call is sent to menu "XYZ" in GVP with DNIS 6000, GVP sees DNIS 6000 and starts GVP OSA app, because DNIS is mapped to that one and GVP will not allow multiple DNIS.

Offline CTIgem

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Re: Using GVP and Scan Soft Open Speech Attendant (OSA)
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2007, 05:32:22 PM »
Sounds lilke you need to handle it within app.
Maybe you can use somekind of flag.
Set it before you send it to OSA so when call comes back to 6000 you know it has been to OSA.
Hope this helps.

Offline Chattguy

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Re: Using GVP and Scan Soft Open Speech Attendant (OSA)
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2007, 06:40:07 PM »
I agree that sounds feasible.  The only problem is that DNIS is still set for the OSA and using set_dnis is over-riden as soon as the call hits the switch again.  I can flag it,but that will not change the DNIS.  The only way I can see is to send these calls to VTO for treatment, but that would require duplicating our entire GVP menus.  That can't be the only way???


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Re: Using GVP and Scan Soft Open Speech Attendant (OSA)
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2007, 09:01:25 PM »
I know a little about GVP and quite a bit about VTO - and very little regarding ASR/OSA.  However, since you're here... Is there any way you might consider using the ACD/PBX/Network apps to re-route returning/looping calls, rather than GVP/VTO?

Consider calls returning to DNIS 6000 [i]could [/i] have attached data recognized in GVP/VTO and be [i]Treated [/i] by holding them for a set period of time - say 5 seconds - then monitor the same DNIS with your ACD/PBX/Network App and have any calls waiting over 3 seconds on Ext 6000 re-routed elsewhere using available ACD/PBX/Network routing rules.

- Failing that, using any type of external telecomms routing based on a returning calls time-out, which can be pre-defined within GVP/VTO is probably a good direction to go in - it's not always about the CTI Apps...

Hope this helps or at least sends you in a "useful" direction...
