Author Topic: T-Server log, outbound calls : 'GCTI_OTHER_DEVICE_NAME' and 'GCTI_PARTY_NAME'  (Read 9927 times)

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it’s my first message in this forum. I have a question about OCS’s behaviour in T-Server Log.  At the moment, when some agents are login in the different agents group (all campaigns working in progressive mode), I notice in T-server Log of extension attribute on EventRinging event, those informations:   

Example 1:  ‘GCTI_OTHER_DEVICE_NAME’ ‘250 => 11250 *’  (11250, it’s a outbound routing point for campaign 1)’ 
        ‘GCTI_PARTY_NAME’ ‘250 => 11250 *’ 

Example 2:    ‘GCTI_OTHER_DEVICE_NAME’ ‘250 => 11251*’  (11251, it’s a outbound routing point for campaign 2)
    ‘GCTI_PARTY_NAME’ ‘250 => 11251 *’

Example 3:  ‘GCTI_OTHER_DEVICE_NAME’ ‘250 => 11252 *’  (11251, it’s a outbound routing point for campaign 3)

        ‘GCTI_PARTY_NAME’ ‘250 => 11252 *’

For each EventRinging  outbound calls with different agents and campaign , I have still the same information: ‘GCTI_OTHER_DEVICE_NAME’ ‘250 => XXXXX *’ and  ‘GCTI__PARTY_NAME’ ‘250 => XXXXX *’ (it’s an extension declaring in Genesys but not used in campaign, only used by agents for incoming calls). I check the PBX configuration (Alcatel 4400). I don't see any forwarding parameters (program key, Dynamic State User, Entities, Pickup Group, Hunt Group and RSI Point).    I ask this question because the agent works with extension ‘250’ receive an outbound call despite that he is login in inbound agent group (blending mode not used for this group).

Thank you for your help.



Offline victor

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a quick check -

are you saying that you have attach data from the previous call attached to your current call?
If so, my initial guess would be a bug with your softphone.

Could you post T-Server log and comment what exactly is strange in it? It will be much easier to tell that way.

thanks and welcome!


  • Guest
Hello Vic,   

Thank you for your reply,i extract a Tserver log,you could see below call flow (i write a few comment, i hope that is more clearly)

//this call is distributed normally on Agent '324' , Routing point : 11253
// Ghost Z dialing
@12:00:12.4004 [0] 6.5.302.00 distribute_response: message EventDialing
AttributeTimeinuSecs 400446
AttributeTimeinSecs 1172746812 (12:00:12)
AttributeReferenceID 1275
AttributeOtherDN 'XXXX'
AttributeExtensions [28] 00 01 02 00..
'GCTI_GLOB_CID' bin: 11 B2 E6 45.. (len=8)
AttributeCustomerID 'Resources'
AttributeDNIS 'XXXX''
AttributeUserData [634] 00 1F 01 00..
'GSW_CHAIN_ID' 17799
'Phone' 'XXXX''
'comments' ''
'Company' ''
'Comp._Type' 'XXXX'
'Country' 'DE'
'crm' 'XXXX'
'Customer_ID' '3445440'
'Cust_Type' 'Physique'
'First_Name' 'XXXX'
'Issue' 'XXXX'
'Language' '21'
'Last_Name' 'XXXX'
'Address_(building)' '-'
'Person' 'XXXX'
'Zip_Code' 'XXXX'
'Address_(street)' 'XXXX'
'Street_No' 'XXXX'
'Title' 'XXXX'
'City' 'XXXX'
'Area' '-'
'Phonetype' 'Client domicile'
'GSW_CALLING_LIST' 'Calling_list_4'
'GSW_CAMPAIGN_NAME' 'Campaign_4'
AttributeConnID 006b016df915535f
AttributeCallID 36503
AttributeCallType 3
AttributeCallState 0
AttributeThisQueue '11253'
AttributeThisTrunk 55050240
AttributeThisDNRole 1
AttributeThisDN '11253'
AttributeOtherDNRole 2

//searching Customer on PSTN

@12:00:12.4029 [0] 6.5.302.00 distribute_event: message EventNetworkReached
AttributeTimeinuSecs 402953
AttributeTimeinSecs 1172746812 (12:00:12)
AttributeExtensions [28] 00 01 02 00..
'GCTI_GLOB_CID' bin: 11 B2 E6 45.. (len=8)
AttributeCustomerID 'Resources'
AttributeDNIS 'XXXX'
AttributeUserData [634] 00 1F 01 00..
'GSW_CHAIN_ID' 17799
'Phone' 'XXXX'
'comments' ''
'Company' ''
'Comp._Type' 'XXXX'
'Country' 'DE'
'crm' 'XXXX'
'Customer_ID' '3445440'
'Cust_Type' 'Physique'
'First_Name' 'XXXX'
'Issue' 'XXXX'
'Language' 'XXXX'
'Last_Name' 'XXXX'
'Address_(building)' '-'
'Person' 'XXXX'
'Zip_Code' 'XXXX'
'Address_(street)' 'XXXX'
'Street_No' 'XXXX'
'Title' 'XXXX'
'City' 'XXXX'
'Area' '-'
'Phonetype' 'Client domicile'
'GSW_CALLING_LIST' 'Calling_list_4'
'GSW_CAMPAIGN_NAME' 'Campaign_4'
AttributeConnID 006b016df915535f
AttributeCallID 36503
AttributeCallType 3
AttributeCallState 0
AttributeThisQueue '11253'
AttributeThisTrunk 55050240
AttributeThisDNRole 1
AttributeThisDN '11253'
AttributeOtherDNRole 2
AttributeOtherDN 'XXXX'

//Customer Call arrived on the RP

@12:00:42.2757 [0] 6.5.302.00 distribute_event: message EventQueued
AttributeTimeinuSecs 275733
AttributeTimeinSecs 1172746842 (12:00:42)
AttributeExtensions [151] 00 05 01 00..
'GCTI_GLOB_CID' bin: 11 B2 E6 45.. (len=8)
AttributeCustomerID 'Resources'
AttributeDNIS 'XXXX'
AttributeUserData [634] 00 1F 01 00..
'GSW_CHAIN_ID' 17799
'Phone' 'XXXX'
'cloture_csprta' ''
'comments' ''
'Company' ''
'Comp._Type' 'XXXX'
'Country' 'DE'
'crm' 'XXXX'
'Customer_ID' '3445440'
'Cust_Type' 'Physique'
'First_Name' 'XXXX'
'Issue' 'XXXX'
'Language' '21'
'Last_Name' 'XXXX'
'Address_(building)' '-'
'Person' 'XXXX'
'Zip_Code' 'XXXX'
'Address_(street)' 'Filderhauptstr.'
'Street_No' 'XXXX'
'Title' 'XXXX'
'City' 'XXXX'
'Area' '-'
'Phonetype' 'Client domicile'
'GSW_CALLING_LIST' 'Calling_list_4'
'GSW_CAMPAIGN_NAME' 'Campaign_4'
AttributeConnID 006b016df915535f
AttributeCallID 36525
AttributeCallType 3
AttributeCallState 0
AttributeThisQueue '11253'
AttributeThisTrunk 20643844
AttributeThisDNRole 1
AttributeThisDN '11253'
AttributeOtherTrunk 20643844
AttributeOtherDNRole 2
AttributeOtherDN 'XXXX'

// In the campaign group 'Campaign_4', there are only agent '324'

@12:00:42.2784 [0] 6.5.302.00 distribute_event: message EventRouteRequest
AttributeTimeinuSecs 278404
AttributeTimeinSecs 1172746842 (12:00:42)
AttributeExtensions [151] 00 05 01 00..
'GCTI_GLOB_CID' bin: 11 B2 E6 45.. (len=8)
AttributeCustomerID 'Resources'
AttributeDNIS 'XXXX'
AttributeUserData [634] 00 1F 01 00..
'GSW_CHAIN_ID' 17799
'Phone' 'XXXX'
'cloture_csprta' ''
'comments' ''
'Company' ''
'Comp._Type' 'XXXX'
'Country' 'DE'
'crm' 'XXXX'
'Customer_ID' '3445440'
'Cust_Type' 'Physique'
'First_Name' 'XXXX'
'Issue' 'XXXX'
'Language' '21'
'Last_Name' 'XXXX'
'Address_(building)' '-'
'Person' 'XXXX'
'Zip_Code' 'XXXX'
'Address_(street)' 'XXXX'
'Street_No' 'XXXX'
'Title' 'XXXX'
'City' 'XXXX'
'Area' '-'
'Phonetype' 'Client domicile'
'GSW_CALLING_LIST' 'Calling_list_4'
'GSW_CAMPAIGN_NAME' 'Campaign_4'
AttributeConnID 006b016df915535f
AttributeCallID 36525
AttributeCallType 3
AttributeCallState 0
AttributeThisQueue '11253'
AttributeThisTrunk 20643844
AttributeThisDNRole 1
AttributeThisDN '11253'
AttributeOtherTrunk 20643844
AttributeOtherDNRole 2
AttributeOtherDN 'XXXX'

//the customer waited a few seconds on the target and this call is abondonned (the agent state '324' is AgentNotReady between the time the call arrived on RP and distributing on the target)

@12:00:47.0000 [0] 6.5.302.00 distribute_event: message EventAbandoned
AttributeTimeinuSecs 0
AttributeTimeinSecs 1172746847 (12:00:47)
AttributeExtensions [181] 00 06 01 00..
'GCTI_GLOB_CID' bin: 11 B2 E6 45.. (len=8)
'GCTI_OLD_GLOB_CID' bin: 2F B2 E6 45.. (len=8)
AttributeCustomerID 'Resources'
AttributeDNIS 'XXXX'
AttributeUserData [634] 00 1F 01 00..
'GSW_CHAIN_ID' 17799
'Phone' 'XXXX'
'cloture_csprta' ''
'comments' ''
'Company' ''
'Comp._Type' 'XXXX'
'Country' 'DE'
'crm' 'XXXX'
'Customer_ID' '3445440'
'Cust_Type' 'Physique'
'First_Name' 'XXXX'
'Issue' 'XXXX'
'Language' '21'
'Last_Name' 'XXXX'
'Address_(building)' '-'
'Person' 'XXXX'
'Zip_Code' 'XXXX'
'Address_(street)' 'XXXX'
'Street_No' 'XXXX'
'Title' 'XXXX'
'City' 'XXXX'
'Area' '-'
'Phonetype' 'Client domicile'
'GSW_CALLING_LIST' 'Calling_list_4''
'GSW_CAMPAIGN_NAME' 'Campaign_4'
AttributeConnID 006b016df915535f
AttributeCallID 36525
AttributeCallType 3
AttributeCallState 0
AttributeThisQueue '11253'
AttributeThisTrunk 20643844
AttributeThisDNRole 1
AttributeThisDN '11253'
AttributeOtherTrunk 20643844
AttributeOtherDNRole 2
AttributeOtherDN 'XXXX'

@03/01/07@12:00:48.132 [CDc-Deb]: cstaSwitchingEventDecode: Delivered event in progress
[Usr-Inf]: Transaction Info:
Type/Oper. : 1 - 4 <Event : Delivered>
crossRef  : 12b4d01
ConnId[0]  : (8ead-c1)-<(Unknown)>
ConnId[1]  : (8ead-13b)-<(Trunk)>
SubjDev[1] : 250 (Private)
LocalDev[1]: 11253 (Private)
LocalDev[2]: 11253 (Private)
Cause      : 38 <Distributed>
LocalInfo  : 2 <Alerting>
TimeStamp  : <070301120005Z>
PrivateList has 5 elements:
  PData : Network Time Slot
  PData : ACD Distribution Information
  PData : Party Name
  PData : Global CallID : 11b2e645978eff00
  PData : National Indication
[Usr-Deb]: Delivered: -> refDev <250> (cref = '12B4D01')
[Usr-Deb]: Delivered: have calls (3:8ead:1) & (-) by GCid (ref = 0)
@03/01/07@12:00:48.133 [Usr-Inf]: Delivered: call (8ead) not found on destination device <11253>
[TMl-Deb]: an internal party <250> with role '1' is added to the call (3:8ead:1)
[TMl-Inf]: context is reset
[TMl-Deb]: PartyDN::PushQueue: queue <11253> is pushed for <8ead:8ead:250>
[TMl-Inf]: PartyDN::Alert: for <8ead:8ead:250> with cause (Distributed:38)
[TMl-Wrn]: line (1200):<8ead:8ead:250>: cause (Distributed:38) not compatible with target state
@12:00:48.1335 [0] 6.5.302.00 distribute_event: message EventRinging
AttributeTimeinuSecs 133513
AttributeTimeinSecs 1172746848 (12:00:48)
AttributeAgentID '250'
AttributeThisDN '250'
AttributeExtensions [393] 00 0C 01 00..
'GCTI_OLD_GLOB_CID' bin: 2F B2 E6 45.. (len=8)
'GCTI_OTHER_DEVICE_NAME' '250=>11253 *'
'GCTI_PARTY_NAME' '250=>11253 *'
'GCTI_GLOB_CID' bin: 11 B2 E6 45.. (len=8)
AttributeCustomerID 'Resources'
AttributeDNIS 'XXXX'
AttributeUserData [634] 00 1F 01 00..
'GSW_CHAIN_ID' 17799
'Phone' 'XXXX''
'cloture_csprta' ''
'comments' ''
'Company' ''
'Comp._Type' 'XXXX'
'Country' 'DE'
'crm' 'EKIP'
'Customer_ID' '3445440'
'Cust_Type' 'XXXX'
'First_Name' 'XXXX'
'Issue' 'XXXX'
'Language' '21'
'Last_Name' 'XXXX'
'Address_(building)' '-'
'Person' 'XXXX'
'Zip_Code' 'XXXX'
'Address_(street)' 'XXXX'
'Street_No' 'XXXX'
'Title' 'XXXX'
'City' 'XXXX'
'Area' '-'
'Phonetype' 'Client domicile'
'GSW_CALLING_LIST' 'Calling_list_4'
'GSW_CAMPAIGN_NAME' 'Campaign_4'
AttributeConnID 006b016df915535f
AttributeCallID 36525
AttributeCallType 3
AttributeCallState 0
AttributeThisQueue '11253'
AttributeThisTrunk 12648448
AttributeThisDNRole 1
AttributeOtherTrunk 20643844
AttributeOtherDNRole 2
AttributeOtherDN 'XXXX'

I think this call is overtake by PBX. However i don't see anything in that way in T-Server log...

Thank you for your help,



Offline René

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Hello nauol,

I would say there is an overflow configured on the RP 11253 which leads the call being routed to incorrect agent. I haven't seen Alcatel PBX for a while so maybe I'm not accurate but I'm pretty sure it's possible to set-up an overflow on hunt group which the virtual Z devices belong to.



  • Guest
Hello René,

Thank you for your answer, I check the different paramerters on the PBX:
- On RSI (Routing Point)
At the moment, there isn't 'RSI overflow address' and 'Ringing Overflow' on 11253
- On Processing Group (ACD Queue)
The only onverflow paramter is 'Ringing supervision Directory number' but this one is null

- Virtual Z devices
                there isn't forwarding and overflowing adresse 

Thanks for your help,



Offline René

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Hello nauol,

I don't have access to Alcatel switch right now (being out of office) so I can just provide you with more hints...

- Is CCD involved in the routing? If the answer is yes then it could be a point where the overflow/redirection is configured
- TServer has several options related to "no-answer" situation. Please check these too.
- Check the overflow configuration of a hunt group the Virtual Z devices belong too as well
- Check the routing strategy used to route outbound calls to the agents. Can't be an overflow implemented there?


Marked as best answer by on Yesterday at 08:45:05 PM

Offline cavagnaro

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Can you detail how the Outbound group is configured?
Are you using RSI or HG?
Have you configured overflow DN's? Applied to strategy?


  • Guest
Hi All, 

Thank you for your reply,   

-CCD  routing solution isn’t involved on Outbound and Blendind calls (URS is used) 
- I check the T-Server options but there isn’t  ‘no-answer’ option declared on T-Server 
- there isn’t overflow DN configured of a processing group (hunting group isn't used) 
- any default route is declared  in routing strategy, on routing point, tenant and URS.   

the following configuration of the Outbound groups is : 
- there isn’t ’virtual’ option in Annex (it’s physical group with some agent affected on this one) 
- 2 origination DN are configured :    Outbound routing point  and Outbound processing group

Thank you for your help.



Offline cavagnaro

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Well the problem is (for me at least) that i don't understand very well your question. I'm ACSE on Alcatel OXE and I configure OmniGenesys and Genesys only with Alcatel. I have a lot of info on how to configure OCS with Alcatel switch as it has many "tricks".
Which is your native language?

Have you configured "login_ignore_queue" option?

Offline René

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Could you post here complete log (incl. CSTA message) for one "sample" call + information about the telephony objects involved in that call (type, configuration etc.). Maybe we will find something interesting...


Offline cavagnaro

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Ok let me see if i understood:

You have:
Outbound groups
Inbound groups

You have the problem that Inbound Group of Agents are receiving Outbound Calls, right?
If so, does your outbound strategy has configured the Overflow DN? It's a RP where you send the call after being waiting for an agent and goes to the Distribution Red Point. The strategy on the overflow Rp MUST have the Cancel Call action.
If you do not have this Genesys will send the call somewhere, OXE will still keep it, if you have CCD configured as backup for this agents this will go to a Pilot and then distributed to a Processing group.
If you do not have CCD configured this calls will probably go to the Attendants.

Maybe this is what you are facing, i did have this issue some time ago also.
