Author Topic: Server-side based Softphone  (Read 4166 times)

Offline victor

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Server-side based Softphone
« on: March 30, 2007, 08:35:21 AM »
Dear all,

I am looking into what is the best way to develop a server-based softphone for our client.

Our client decided to get rid of their client-based softphone and instead have a softphone server interact with their web-based CRM and include some sort of Java pushlet into the web-based CRM screen.

So, our softphone server will be between T-Server and their web server-based CRM.
Of the top of my head, I can think of:

1. developing everything using ActiveX
2. use Universal SDK <--- cannot find documents on it
3. .NET server <- even after reading the manual for it (Genesys .NET Server 7.1 Deployment Guide) I still have no clue what it is. I have a vague guess that it is related to "Genesys Desktop 7.5 .NET Toolkit Developer's Guide", but still cannot put the two together very well, because it seems like .NET Toolkit is for GIS.
4. genesys Agent Interaction SDK  (I wonder if this is Unversal SDK, conveniently called "Interaction SDK" under "Browse documents" on

As you can see, I do not know what I am talking about here. My instinct in this case would be just to go with developing everything in tlib/ActiveX, but I know for sure that this is not really smart. Can someone please englihten me on what is available?

And if someone has been using one of them, please tell me your thoughts on it.

Best regards,

Offline René

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Re: Server-side based Softphone
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2007, 09:43:10 AM »
Hi Victor,

Please look at this presentation "Introduction to SDK 7.5" - - to get more information about current SDKs.

I know that part of "Genesys Desktop Application Blocks" is a sample web-softphone (Voice Toolbar) written in ASP.NET (C#) using Genesys .NET Toolkit. Unfortunately I haven't had time to check it (= play with it) yet.


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Re: Server-side based Softphone
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2007, 10:48:37 AM »
René, hi,

I am just curious... SDK 7.5 is part of Genesys SIP Server 7.2*, or new version of it?



To my humble opinion, developing server-sided/based SP using tLib/ActiveX is kinda risky because

- You need to open some ports (e.g. T-Server, depending on your application MS SQL Server, and etc.) on F/W.
- ActiveX could not interoperate with some versions of IE. On client side, you need to customize the security settings, so IE can invoke/launch necessary ActiveX components, which is another security vulnerability.
- Updateing ActiveX components with new versions (i.e. [i]re-deployment[/i]) will be difficult.

So, what René has offered --using Genesys' .Net lib-- seems logical to me.


« Last Edit: March 30, 2007, 10:50:16 AM by Ali »

Offline victor

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Re: Server-side based Softphone
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2007, 10:27:51 AM »

thank you for the link. It was very helpful.

Genesys suggests:

"For voice interactions, use Agent Interaction SDKs, the Voice Platform SDK, or the .NET Toolkit."

Desktop .NET Tookit uses GIS.
Voice Platform SDK is something like T-Lib and can be built using Java or .NET
Agent Interaction is JTLIB?

Judging from the looks of it, developing in .NET would be the fastest way.

However, I am very concerned with "Connectors".

It the documentation it says:
when it comes time to deploy your custom applications, you need Genesys Connectors.

• Connectors must be purchased from Genesys and are used for licensing control. Connectors map to the use or
feature you plan to implement with your custom application. (They represent features in a license file.)

• Contact your Genesys representative for details about which Connectors you need and their costs. Depending
on the Connector, costs are per seat or per site

So, on top of SDK license we also need to buy a connector and pay additional licenses for it?

Has anyone looked at cost ramifications of moving away from ActiveX and T-LIB and starting to use all these? I am newbie to this but it sounds very expensive and with introduction of a connector concept, Genesys seems to control the way every third-party applications are using their server. This means no more wallboard server or customized softphone without paying additional money to Genesys for it.