Author Topic: ActiveX Toolkit deployed in ASP.NET web  (Read 7399 times)

Offline dbudi

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ActiveX Toolkit deployed in ASP.NET web
« on: March 20, 2007, 02:44:47 PM »
Thanks for such a great forum for Genesys.

I would like to seek advise about using ActiveX Toolkit in the ASP.NET web softphone. Reason is customer want to have their CRM integrated with Genesys, but no Gplus adaptor for their web based CRM.

Is it even possible to have this on server side programming (thin), rather than client side (thick).

Why I use ASP.NET is because my programming background, and I am quite noob in Java. Any possible direction how to implement this will be much appreciated.

Thanks and I am glad I found this forum.  :)

Offline René

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Re: ActiveX Toolkit deployed in ASP.NET web
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2007, 07:29:27 PM »
Hi dbudi,

I can see two ways how to "integrate" ActiveX Toolkit to your ASP.NET web soft phone.

- installing ActiveX Toolkit on all agent's machines and call that ActiveX from your web page. Maybe it would be possible to allow installation of your ActiveX when an agent logs to your web app for first time but it will require more work - there is a lot pre-requisites (e.g. the component has to be digitally signed etc.) to be fulfilled to allow download and installation of your component.
- developing a "CTI server" based on ActiveX Toolkit and using it as a middle-tier for your web application. You have to find a way how to propagate the events to the agents but there exists some ways (e.g. see

Genesys has a new SDK - Genesys Desktop .NET Toolkit - allowing easier development of thin CTI client. There is even a sample application written in ASP.NET available as a part of the SDK.


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Re: ActiveX Toolkit deployed in ASP.NET web
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2007, 09:40:43 PM »

Speaking of Genesys Desktop ToolkitX 7.*, there could be a workaround. Please apply the following steps:

- Using VB 6.0 (or VisualBasic.Net), implement an ActiveX interface deploying Genesys components (here, I advise you to build your code using "single threaded" mode). This VB 6.0 should be capable to read external parameters such as CTI host, port, agent id, and etc.
- Integrate your ActiveX interface with your ASP.Net application.

Disadventages of this method:
- You should define and open port(s) for CTI server (and maybe db server -depending on what you are doing) on corporate F/W -- which would cause a (security) vulnerability in your system.
- Due to cache of your IE and/or Web server, redeployment of ActiveX component in question may be painful (believe me, here Mr.Experience is talking).

Btw, René (or Vic),

Could you please inform me regarding Genesys Desktop .NET Toolkit? Where I can find it, or from whom we can provide?



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Re: ActiveX Toolkit deployed in ASP.NET web
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2007, 06:46:21 AM »
Hi René and Ali,

Thanks for your helpful information. I will try this as simple as possible first and develop from there.
I will post my finding here and hope to learn from your experiences.

Looks like the server side approach is not suitable unless using Genesys .NET server.

I found simple code from Genesys Tech support about how to embed activex:

Is this the correct way to do client side activeX?

Best regards

Offline Ali

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Re: ActiveX Toolkit deployed in ASP.NET web
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2007, 08:54:44 AM »

I have checked what given in Genesys Tech Support. I must warn and inform you that, embedding Genesys object in this way may end up with some licensing problems.

As you know, Genesys Developer ToolkitX Components have development and run time licenses. Sometimes, under some conditions, when you embed object using similar way, components in question could not be launched due to lack of run-time licenses. I came across once. Just want to inform you. Please let me know if you have a problem. Even in this case, there are workarounds...

Genesys Developer ToolkitX 7.* objects/classes that you can embed without license problem are the following:

[color=navy]- TExtension
- TConnection
- TLine[/color]

Btw, dbudi, one of your recent messages regarding this topic, you mentioned "pushlet" for event probagation (requests/to events to/from CTI Server). If you don't mind, can you please enlight us on how to do? Thank you.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2007, 10:16:15 AM by Ali »

Offline René

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Re: ActiveX Toolkit deployed in ASP.NET web
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2007, 05:24:28 PM »
Hi Ali,

I've mentioned pushlets as a way how to solve the bi-direct communication for web softphone. Unfortunately I don't have experience with pushlets yet but it seems Genesys Desktop uses that technology. You find more information on Good start point could be the whitepaper on


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Re: ActiveX Toolkit deployed in ASP.NET web
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2007, 08:46:23 PM »
Thank you, René. I will check out when i finish what's in my hands.

Btw, do you know where I can find Genesys SDK .Net?

Offline René

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Re: ActiveX Toolkit deployed in ASP.NET web
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2007, 08:12:45 AM »
You have to contact your Genesys sales rep because all new SDKs are licensed >:(. The documention is available on Genesys DevZone website (part of it on Genesys TechSupport website as well).


Offline dbudi

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Re: ActiveX Toolkit deployed in ASP.NET web
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2007, 01:38:35 AM »
Thanks guys for fast responses...

I am trying out vbscript to replicate Softphone app in IE browser. Just doing some simple stuff: agent can login, can set to ready, etc. Nothing fancy yet... but it is a good start.
I hope I can ask more question as I develop more for here.

Since my programming is not so advanced, any suggestions about how to implement timer and genesys events in vbscript?


Peter J

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Re: ActiveX Toolkit deployed in ASP.NET web
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2007, 07:10:59 AM »
Implementing timer in VBScript is pretty simple.

Here is one of the many way you can do it is do a google search for "vbscript timer event"

The only tricky part is getting the event handler; however, the link summarizes it pretty well.
I also think that a few month back, there was a post about something very similar to that, even though I think it was for JavaScript.

Do you go with server-side or client-side really depends on what exactly you want to accomplish. My gut feeling would be go with the client-side desktop toolkit first, because it will allow you to get accustomed to both Genesys and the underlying programming framework and then you could probably migrate to server-based (even though chances are you will not).

I would not recommend starting with server-based desktop toolkit for begineers because of the complexity and level of involvement. also, from timeframe perspective, it is my faster to start with Genesys ActiveX toolkit and modify that to your heart's desire.