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Author Topic: Genesys HA  (Read 3178 times)


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Genesys HA
« on: March 11, 2007, 07:47:26 AM »
Hello all

i have a question to the genesys HA. if i configure an configserver HA, which port set to  configserver and configserver_HA?
The same or another?

configserver : 2020
configserver_HA : ?

Does this rule apply also to all other components?


Marked as best answer by on February 24, 2025, 04:15:48 PM


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Re: Genesys HA
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2007, 09:04:17 AM »
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  • Since your configserver_HA should be on a different box/another location, your IP or location reference will be different.  In essence, 2020 is the port for config, irrespective of instance.  Consider if you gave it any other Port number and your configserver failed over to HA - any Application which has the means to automatically switch over to a bakcup (HA) (CCPulse+ for instance) would not only need to switch instances but also switch Ports - something which is not easy to achieve automatically. The same can be said for Servers (StatServer, TServer, etc.).

    Changing the Application name for an instance for configserver in HA is a standard feature (and required!) - changing the Port is trickier.  The safest bet is to use 2020 for both configserver and configserver_HA.
