Author Topic: Lost UserData in AgentStarter  (Read 4498 times)

Javier Garagalza

  • Guest
Lost UserData in AgentStarter
« on: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 AM »
When an event arrives to an agent we can see in the Eventslog component the data attached to the event.
But whe we try to get this data in the Visual Basic code of the AgentStarter application,
the UserData field is not defined, its value is nothing.

Look at the following example:

' Email Handling
' =============================================================================
Private Sub gdtkEmailExtension_TEvent(EventInfo As DesktopToolkitX.TEventInfo)
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

Select Case EventInfo.Event
Case EventRinging
Answer gdtkEmailExtension
Case EventEstablished
PopEmail EventInfo.UserData, EventInfo.ThisQueue
End Select

Exit Sub

End Sub

We are using an Alcatel ACD. We have tried the same code with a Lucent and it works.