" /> Problem routing the call using composer - 0415 Invalid Destination DN - Genesys CTI User Forum

Author Topic: Problem routing the call using composer - 0415 Invalid Destination DN  (Read 2693 times)

Offline efrainclg95

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Dear expert friends I hope you are well, because I have a problem, it turns out that after time the need to create a strategy using composer arises, it is a simple strategy that routes by agent, when testing I can see in the log (testphone) that attach information travels (info_1 and info_2) but does not show information in the RTarget, that is, it is clean, it is as if the target block had not been configured in composer.

      (Str) RVQID
      (Str) RVQDBID
      (Str) RTargetTypeSelected 100
      (Str) RTargetRuleSelected
      (Str) RTargetObjectSelected
      (Str) RTargetObjSelDBID
      (Str) RTargetAgentSelected
      (Str) RTargetAgSelDBID
      (Str) RTargetPlaceSelected
      (Str) RTargetPlSelDBID
      (Str) RTenant Environment
      (Str) RTenantDBID 1
      (Str) CBR-actual_volume
      (Str) CBR-Interaction_cost
      (Str) CBR-contract_DBIDs
      (Str) CBR-IT-path_DBIDs
      (Str) RRequestedSkillCombination
      (Lst) RRequestedSkills
      (Str) CustomerSegment default
      (Str) ServiceType default
      (Str) ServiceObjective
      (Str) RStrategyName Simple_Test.default.defaultWorkflow
      (Str) RStrategyDBID 193
      (Int) PegDEF 1
      (Str) Info_1 Test 7
      (Str) Info_2 16777267

When reviewing the URS logs I have this record:

01: 52: 03.153 Std 21003 interaction 006f0327e5934033 routing error 0415 Invalid Destination DN

The ORS log for that call shows the following records:

01: 52: 03.052 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventCallPartyAdded" received from 65200 ("LimaSipServer")
01: 52: 03.053 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventDialing" received from 65200 ("LimaSipServer @ 6001")
01: 52: 03.053 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventCallPartyAdded" received from 65200 ("LimaSipServer")
01: 52: 03.053 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventQueued" received from 65200 ("LimaSipServer @ 6661")
01: 52: 03.053 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventRouteRequest" received from 65200 ("LimaSipServer @ 6661")
01: 52: 03.153 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventCallDataChanged" received from 65200 ("LimaSipServer")
01: 52: 03.153 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventCallDataChanged" received from 65200 ("LimaSipServer")
01: 52: 03.153 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventCallDataChanged" received from 65200 ("LimaSipServer")
01: 52: 03.153 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventCallDataChanged" received from 65200 ("LimaSipServer")
01: 52: 03.153 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventCallDataChanged" received from 65200 ("LimaSipServer")
01: 52: 04.156 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventCallDataChanged" received from 65200 ("LimaSipServer")
01: 52: 06.774 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventReleased" received from 65200 ("LimaSipServer @ 6001")
01: 52: 06.774 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventCallPartyDeleted" received from 65200 ("LimaSipServer")
01: 52: 06.774 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventAbandoned" received from 65200 ("LimaSipServer @ 6661")
01: 52: 06.774 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventCallPartyDeleted" received from 65200 ("LimaSipServer")
01: 52: 06.774 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventCallDeleted" received from 65200 ("LimaSipServer")

I have tried loading the strategy to another old RP but it doesn't work.

The problem is NOT clear to me, I don't know if you can give me any scope please, thank you

Offline cavagnaro

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Re: Problem routing the call using composer - 0415 Invalid Destination DN
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2021, 03:34:52 AM »
Post URS logs, SIP Server and describe more about what are you trying to do.
Are you using ORS I guess? Then posts ORS logs.
You are not showing anything that could help on helping you, only that there is a bad Routing

Also increase log level to "all"

Offline efrainclg95

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Re: Problem routing the call using composer - 0415 Invalid Destination DN
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2021, 10:18:12 PM »
Hi Cavagnaro, thank you for your good disposition and time to help a newcomer community.

I explain the scenario I have:

I have a simple strategy in composer and its logic derives the operator call in a simple way, in addition to that I put two simple attach variables (Info_1, Info_2 shown in the log).

When calling the RP (6661) the call does not progress (internal call), it does not reach the agent configured in the strategy but if I see the variables mentioned above, here is a sample of the userdata:

      (Str) RStrategyName Simple_Test.default.defaultWorkflow
      (Str) RStrategyDBID 193
      (Str) Info_1 Test 7
      (Str) Info_2 16777217

It even recognizes the strategy, and when I validate the strategy in GA it correctly activates the .scxml.

The problem is that for some reason the system does not see the available operator.

Here I show the logs:

[b]URS (ALL)[/b]

16:42:10.517_T_I_0000000000000000 [14:0c] EventQueued is received for ts LimaSipServer[LimaSwitch] (thisdn=6661)
    _T_I_006f0328338b2001 [01:11] connid 006f0328338b2001 is bound to the call 1-e103557800
    _T_I_006f0328338b2001 [01:1b] calluuid U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001 is bound to the call 1-e103557800 as e10356c308
16:42:10.517_I_I_006f0328338b2001 [01:01] call (1-e103557800) for Environment created (del=0 ts=0,18,0,0)
    _T_I_006f0328338b2001 [14:09] add DN LimaSipServer 6661 <6661@LimaSwitch> (CDN 57 006f0328338b2001 e10356c308) to the call 1-e103557800 truly:221
received from 65209(LimaSipServer)CIM1-1:3000(fd=) message EventRouteRequest
AttributeCallState 0
AttributeCallType 1
AttributePropagatedCallType 1
AttributeCallID 16777217
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeCallUUID 'U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'
AttributeDNIS '6661'
AttributeThisDN '6661'
AttributeThisDNRole 2
AttributeThisQueue '6661'
AttributePartyUUID 'PKQH832PBT68D40U66IG1MGQHS000005'
AttributeOtherDN '6001'
AttributeOtherDNRole 1
AttributeExtensions [23] 00 01 01 00..
'BusinessCall' 1
AttributeTimeinSecs 1636407730 (16:42:10)
AttributeTimeinuSecs 517000
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000000106
16:42:10.517_T_I_006f0328338b2001 [14:0c] EventRouteRequest is received for ts LimaSipServer[LimaSwitch] (thisdn=6661)
    _T_I_006f0328338b2001 [14:09] add DN LimaSipServer 6661 <6661@LimaSwitch> (CDN 71 006f0328338b2001 e10356c308) to the call 1-e103557800 truly:111
    _T_I_006f0328338b2001 [14:08] check delayed proc
    _T_I_006f0328338b2001 [01:2d] call states: s=0 d=0 t=0
    _T_I_006f0328338b2001 [14:43] call data updated(ani=,dnis=6661)
    _I_W_006f0328338b2001 [14:03] start without strategy -> default/ignore
16:42:10.518 Int 20003 interaction 006f0328338b2001 is routed to default
request to 65209(LimaSipServer) message RequestUpdateUserData

16:42:10.623_T_I_006f0328338b2001 [14:32] EventAttachedDataChanged is received for ts LimaSipServer[LimaSwitch] (thisdn=6661, refid=0, reqid=23, ignore=1 temp=1)
received from 65209(LimaSipServer)CIM1-1:3000(fd=) message EventAttachedDataChanged(refid=23)
16:42:10.626_T_I_006f0328338b2001 [14:32] EventAttachedDataChanged is received for ts LimaSipServer[LimaSwitch] (thisdn=6661, refid=23, reqid=23, ignore=0 temp=0)
    _I_I_006f0328338b2001 [01:14] current call classification: media=voice(100), service=default(200), segment=default(300)
received from 65209(LimaSipServer)CIM1-1:3000(fd=) message EventError
(Invalid Destination DN)
AttributeClientID 3
AttributeThisDN '6661'
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeOtherDN ''
AttributeExtensions [50] 00 02 00 00..
'CUSTOMER_ID' 'Environment'
'SWITCH' 'LimaSwitch'
AttributeRouteType 1 (RouteTypeDefault)
AttributeReason [14] 00 01 01 00..
'RTR' 114
AttributeReferenceID 24
AttributeErrorMessage 'Invalid Destination DN'
AttributeErrorCode 415
AttributeTimeinSecs 1636407730 (16:42:10)
AttributeTimeinuSecs 626000
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000000112
16:42:10.627_T_E_ [14:0c] EventError is received for ts LimaSipServer[LimaSwitch] - Invalid Destination DN
16:42:10.627_A_E_006f0328338b2001 [14:32] <-----------ERROR
16:42:10.627 Std 21003 interaction 006f0328338b2001 routing error 0415 Invalid Destination DN
    _T_I_006f0328338b2001 [01:2d] call states: s=5 d=0 t=0
    _T_I_006f0328338b2001 [01:2d] call states: s=5 d=0 t=0
    _T_W_006f0328338b2001 [0E:0f] emergency: delete call due to this error
    _T_I_006f0328338b2001 [01:2d] call states: s=0 d=0 t=0
16:42:10.627_I_I_006f0328338b2001 [01:08] call (1-e103557800) deleting truly
006f0328338b2001, 11/08/21@16:42:10.627, 6661(LimaSipServer) -> @ [error default dumb  0 0 0 0], tms: 110= (N)1 + (T)0 + (X)0 + (S)0 + (W)0 + (F)0 + (R)109, trg:
CALL (006f0328338b2001) HISTORY ( Error Default ):
@@@1636407732: mbs by cnt 43(CNT=6 tm=3118), by tm 43(cnt=6 TM=3118), 41(0 0), 43(6 3118), 32(0 0), total in 1999612(cnt=13+1 tm=3118+0) 0(0)%
16:42:12.001_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 0(0)=0+0-0, trgts=0, first=0,0, time=1636407732, virt=0, mem=15087,139[425],9,203[4548],0,0 - 2,0,0)
16:42:12.001_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE no calls, ignored: 0 cpu 0  2 next
received from 65209(LimaSipServer)CIM1-1:3000(fd=) message EventAttachedDataChanged

[b]Sip Server[/b]

16:42:10.492: Assocaited transport for the device [5] changed from [:0:0] to []
16:42:10.493: CallMatcher: no call match attributes found
16:42:10.495: Assocaited transport for the device [6] changed from [:0:0] to []
16:42:10.502: ResolveCallInfo: set flag DIAL_PLAN_PROCESSING
16:42:10.503: Sc(0):step 0, Tr(1,SipTransactionCreateCall) - begin
16:42:10.503 SIPCONN(6001): SIPCONN(00000000c210a640,0LBLI006U559TCJRFS09SV4KE4000001) +Tr(1,SipTransactionCreateCall)
16:42:10.503 SIPCONN(6001): Create dialog
16:42:10.504: SipDialog: set monitor 00000000c210a6f8
16:42:10.504 SIPCONN(6001): refer dialog 00000000c20fa780 initiated
16:42:10.504 SIPCONN(6001): change transaction 0 -> 0
16:42:10.504: SipDialog: set monitor 00000000c210a6f8
16:42:10.504 SIPCONN(6001): ClrMediaPeer
16:42:10.505: SIPDLG[5]: register TRN[4]
16:42:10.505: SIPDLG[5]: TRN[4] flags set to 0x1
16:42:10.505: SipDialog: event INVITE, t=4, s=1, r=5, m=00000000c210a6f8 port=5001
16:42:10.505: CID:CUUID>765f3e650c42b027ODg2NDdhMzMwM2Y2MmJlYjdkZjk3ZDJlNWE3Nzg5YmU.:U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001:
16:42:10.505 SIPCONN(6001): HandleSipDialogEvent(INVITE)
16:42:10.506 SIPCONN(6001): Capabilities 19d
16:42:10.506 SIPCONN(6001): new transaction
16:42:10.506 SIPCONN(6001): store remote content, canBeOffer 1
16:42:10.506 SIPCONN(6001): verify sdp
16:42:10.506 SIPCONN(6001): sdp state SDP_STATE_NULL, event SDP_EVENT_SDP
16:42:10.506 SIPCONN(6001): new sdp state SDP_STATE_OFFER_RECEIVED, event SDP_EVENT_SDP
16:42:10.506 SIPCONN(6001): state e:10,p:0,s:1,c:9,rc:0,m:0
16:42:10.506 SIPCONN(6001): SIPCONN(00000000c210a640,0LBLI006U559TCJRFS09SV4KE4000001) -Tr(1,SipTransactionCreateCall)
16:42:10.506: Tr(1,SipTransactionCreateCall):completed
16:42:10.506: Sc(0):step 0, Tr(1,SipTransactionCreateCall) - completed
16:42:10.507: Sc(0):step 1, Tr(2,SipTransactionResolveCallInfoByDialPlan) - begin
16:42:10.508: DialPlan: No dialplan defined for 6001.
16:42:10.508: DialPlan: No rule applied, using original destination '6661'.
16:42:10.508: DialPlan: clear flag 0x100, callId 16777217
16:42:10.508: ConnectToDevice: Connecting to DEVICE(7,6661).
@16:42:10.5090 {tscp.call {constructed} {uuid PKQH832PBT68D40U66IG1MGQHS000003} {connection-id 006f0328338b2001} {call-id 16777217}}
16:42:10.509  -- created call_info_tspp 006f0328338b2001@c20fb9f0
@16:42:10.5090 Call [006f0328338b2001]: urid 0001006f
16:42:10.509  -- created aTmCall c20fd3c0/c20fb9f0
16:42:10.509  -- TmCallThread created: c06cff00
16:42:10.509 SetANI for c20fd3c0:1: 6001
16:42:10.509 SetDNIS for c20fd3c0:1: 6661
16:42:10.509: SIPCALL(16777217): add party '6001'
16:42:10.509 SIPPARTY(6001): Set Origination Info DN - 6001 ; Location - LimaSwitch for party 6001
16:42:10.509: SIPTS: OnPartyCreated
16:42:10.510  -- created party_info_tspp c1964c40
16:42:10.510  -- created aTmParty c20fda30
16:42:10.510  SetRole: Origination for 6001.c20fda30-c20fd3c0:1
16:42:10.510  -- AddParty to c20fd3c0: 6001.c20fda30-c20fd3c0:1
16:42:10.510  -- new TSCP call leg 1
16:42:10.510  -- call leg created leg_id=1
16:42:10.510  -- created NAData c06d4ac0
16:42:10.510 CreateParty new internal: 6001.c20fda30-c20fd3c0:1
16:42:10.510: Call 16777217 dn 6001 SetPartyId 16777328
16:42:10.510: XS info is stored to TServer party 6001: loginSessionId: , loginLocation: ; employeeId
16:42:10.510 SIPCONN(6001): set monitor 00000000c210a640, 00000000c20fd688
16:42:10.510: SIPCALL(16777217): add party '6661'
16:42:10.510 SIPPARTY(6661): Set Origination Info DN - 6001 ; Location - LimaSwitch for party 6661
16:42:10.510: SIPTS: OnPartyCreated
16:42:10.510  -- created party_info_tspp c1964040
16:42:10.510  -- created aTmParty c20fe070
16:42:10.510  SetRole: Destination for 6661.c20fe070-c20fd3c0:1
16:42:10.510  -- AddParty to c20fd3c0: 6661.c20fe070-c20fd3c0:1
16:42:10.510  -- new TSCP call leg 2
16:42:10.510  -- call leg created leg_id=2
16:42:10.510 CreateParty new internal: 6661.c20fe070-c20fd3c0:1
16:42:10.510: Call 16777217 dn 6661 SetPartyId 16777329
16:42:10.510: XS info is stored to TServer party 6661: loginSessionId: , loginLocation: ; employeeId
16:42:10.512: Tr(2,SipTransactionResolveCallInfoByDialPlan):completed
16:42:10.512: Sc(0):step 1, Tr(2,SipTransactionResolveCallInfoByDialPlan) - completed
16:42:10.512: Sc(0):step 2, Tr(3,SipTransactionChangePartyState) - begin
16:42:10.512 SIPPARTY(6001): ChangePartyState: new=1
16:42:10.513: SIPTS: '6001' state changed null->initiated, cause 0
16:42:10.513: XS info is stored to TServer party 6001: loginSessionId: , loginLocation: ; employeeId
16:42:10.514 ClearContext: party 6001.c20fda30-c20fd3c0:1
16:42:10.514 +++ CIFace::Event +++
  +++ Pre-event +++
    Type EventOriginated
    Devices: <6001/6001> <6661/6661> <-/->
    Calls: 16777217/006f0328338b2001/16777217.c20fd3c0/c:0/r:0 0/none
    Parties: D6001/6001.c20fda30-c20fd3c0:1/l:1/r:0/Null,DNull,Origination
    Flags: divert=0 hook=0 postCall=0 active=1 moveAll=1 callType=1 hideOtherPi=0 InternalOther=1
  --- Pre-event ---
  +++ Dialing +++
16:42:10.514: internal call originator not found
16:42:10.514: SIPS-IID:U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001:006f0328338b2001:U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001:TLIBEVT
    +++ CIFace::Event +++
      +++ Pre-event +++
        Type EventInitiated
        Devices: <6001/6001> <6661/6661> <-/->
        Calls: 16777217/006f0328338b2001/16777217.c20fd3c0/c:0/r:0 0/none
        Parties: D6001/6001.c20fda30-c20fd3c0:1/l:1/r:0/Null,DNull,Origination
        Flags: divert=0 hook=0 postCall=0 active=1 moveAll=1 callType=1 hideOtherPi=0 InternalOther=1
      --- Pre-event ---
      +++ NewCall +++
        -- call is consultation
@16:42:10.5140 [0] distribute_event: message EventOffHook
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 00000000000000ff
AttributeTimeinuSecs 514000
AttributeTimeinSecs 1636407730 (16:42:10)
AttributeThisDN '6001'
16:42:10.514 Int 04544 Interaction message "EventOffHook" generated
masked for 840 (00000007 ORS)
16:42:10.514 Trc 04542 EventOffHook sent to [836] (00000006 StatServer_Routing
16:42:10.514 Trc 04542 EventOffHook sent to [828] (00000005 StatServer_Reporting_Pulse
16:42:10.514 Trc 04542 EventOffHook sent to [832] (00000004 StatServer_Reporting
16:42:10.514: device off hook
        SetActive: party 6001.c20fda30-c20fd3c0:1, cause Null
        SetOriginating: party 6001.c20fda30-c20fd3c0:1, cause NewCall
        -- party_info 6001.c1964c40 state change: from <Null> to <Initiated>
        -- AgnEmu: business type configured as private for extension
        -- AgnEmu: private call BusinessType[1/1:0]
        -- aTmCall::SetBusinessType():006f0328338b2001 set to BusinessType[1/1:0]
        -- aTmParty::SetBusinessType():6001 set to BusinessType[1/1:0]
        -- G7 init
        -- call_info::committed created
@16:42:10.5140 [ISCC] Call object is created: c:006f0328338b2001,00000000c20fb9f0
@16:42:10.5140 [ISCC] Call created:
+ c:006f0328338b2001,00000000c20fb9f0 @ m:0000000000000000,0000000000000000 p:0 i:01000001 nw:0000000000000000 t:1
@16:42:10.5140 [0] distribute call/party event: message EventCallCreated
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000000100
AttributeTimeStamp 618999b20007d7d0
AttributeMediaType 0
AttributeCallType 1
AttributeCallID 16777217
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeCallUUID 'U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'
AttributeDNIS '6661'
16:42:10.514 Int 04544 Interaction message "EventCallCreated" generated
16:42:10.514 Trc 04542 EventCallCreated sent to [840] (00000007 ORS
@16:42:10.5140 [ISCC] Party added [ddp view]:
@ c:006f0328338b2001,00000000c20fb9f0 @ m:0000000000000000,0000000000000000,0000000000000000 p:2 i:01000001 nw:00000000:0000000000000000 t:1
+ p:00000000c1964c40 @ c:006f0328338b2001,00000000c20fb9f0 r:1 t:0 s:1 n:6001
  p:00000000c1964040 @ c:006f0328338b2001,00000000c20fb9f0 r:2 t:0 s:0 n:6661
@16:42:10.5140 [ISCC] Party object is created: p:0000000000000000,00000000c1964c40 n:6001:
@16:42:10.5140 [ISCC] Party added:
@ c:006f0328338b2001,00000000c20fb9f0 @ m:0000000000000000,0000000000000000 p:1 i:01000001 nw:0000000000000000 t:1
+ p:0000000000000000,00000000c1964c40 @ c:006f0328338b2001,00000000c20fb9f0 r:1 ----- n:6001:
@16:42:10.5140 [0] distribute call/party event: message EventCallPartyAdded
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000000101
AttributeTimeStamp 618999b20007d7d0
AttributeDBID 104
AttributeDN '6001'
AttributeMediaType 0
AttributePartyState 0x1
AttributePartyType 0
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeCallUUID 'U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'
AttributePartyUUID 'PKQH832PBT68D40U66IG1MGQHS000004'
16:42:10.514 Int 04544 Interaction message "EventCallPartyAdded" generated
16:42:10.514 Trc 04542 EventCallPartyAdded sent to [840] (00000007 ORS
      --- NewCall ---
      +++ Post-event +++
        Type EventInitiated
        Devices: <6001/6001> <6661/6661> <-/->
        Calls: 16777217/006f0328338b2001/16777217.c20fd3c0/c:1/r:0 0/006f0328338b2001/16777217.c20fd3c0/c:1/r:0
        Parties: D6001/6001.c20fda30-c20fd3c0:1/l:1/r:0/Originating,Active,Origination
        Flags: divert=0 hook=0 postCall=0 active=1 moveAll=1 callType=1 hideOtherPi=0 InternalOther=1
      --- Post-event ---
    --- CIFace::Event ---
    CreateParty: already exists: 6661.c20fe070-c20fd3c0:1
    SetDialling: party 6001.c20fda30-c20fd3c0:1, cause Null
    -- party_info 6001.c1964c40 state change: from <Initiated> to <Connected,Dialing>
    -- G7 dialing
@16:42:10.5140 [0] distribute call/party event: message EventCallPartyState
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000000102
AttributeTimeStamp 618999b20007d7d0
AttributePartyState 0x1000c
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeCallUUID 'U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'
AttributePartyUUID 'PKQH832PBT68D40U66IG1MGQHS000004'
16:42:10.514 Int 04544 Interaction message "EventCallPartyState" generated
16:42:10.514 Trc 04542 EventCallPartyState sent to [840] (00000007 ORS
@16:42:10.5140 [0] distribute_event: message EventDialing
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000000103
AttributeTimeinuSecs 514000
AttributeTimeinSecs 1636407730 (16:42:10)
AttributeExtensions [23] 00 01 01 00..
'BusinessCall' 0
AttributeOtherDNRole 2
AttributeOtherDN '6661'
AttributePartyUUID 'PKQH832PBT68D40U66IG1MGQHS000004'
AttributeThisDNRole 1
AttributeThisDN '6001'
AttributeDNIS '6661'
AttributeCallUUID 'U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeCallID 16777217
AttributePropagatedCallType 1
AttributeCallType 1
AttributeCallState 0
    -- AgnEmu: Previous CallType is used when BusinessCall type changes
16:42:10.514 Int 04544 Interaction message "EventDialing" generated
16:42:10.514 Trc 04542 EventDialing sent to [840] (00000007 ORS
16:42:10.514 Trc 04542 EventDialing sent to [836] (00000006 StatServer_Routing
16:42:10.514 Trc 04542 EventDialing sent to [828] (00000005 StatServer_Reporting_Pulse
16:42:10.514 Trc 04542 EventDialing sent to [832] (00000004 StatServer_Reporting
  --- Dialing ---
  +++ Post-event +++
    Type EventOriginated
    Devices: <6001/6001> <6661/6661> <-/->
    Calls: 16777217/006f0328338b2001/16777217.c20fd3c0/c:1/r:0 0/006f0328338b2001/16777217.c20fd3c0/c:1/r:0
    Parties: D6001/6001.c20fda30-c20fd3c0:1/l:1/r:0/Dialing,Active,Origination
    Call type: Internal/1
    Flags: divert=0 hook=0 postCall=0 active=1 moveAll=1 callType=1 hideOtherPi=0 InternalOther=1
  --- Post-event ---
16:42:10.514 --- CIFace::Event ---
16:42:10.515: Tr(3,SipTransactionChangePartyState):completed
16:42:10.515: Sc(0):step 2, Tr(3,SipTransactionChangePartyState) - completed
16:42:10.515: Sc(0):step 3, Tr(4,SipTransactionGetOffer) - begin
16:42:10.515: Tr(4,SipTransactionGetOffer):completed
16:42:10.515: Sc(0):step 3, Tr(4,SipTransactionGetOffer) - completed
16:42:10.515: Sc(0):step 4, Tr(5,SipTransactionConnectNewParty) - begin
16:42:10.516 SIPPARTY(6661): ChangePartyState: new=5
16:42:10.516: SIPTS: '6661' state changed null->queued, cause 9
16:42:10.516: IsCDN = true
16:42:10.516 ClearContext: party 6661.c20fe070-c20fd3c0:1
16:42:10.516 +++ CIFace::Event +++
  +++ Pre-event +++
    Type EventRouteRequest
    Devices: <6661/6661> <6001/6001> <-/->
    Calls: 16777217/006f0328338b2001/16777217.c20fd3c0/c:1/r:0 0/none
    Parties: D6661/6661.c20fe070-c20fd3c0:1/l:2/r:0/Null,Destination
    Flags: divert=0 hook=0 postCall=0 active=1 moveAll=1 callType=1 hideOtherPi=0 InternalOther=1
  --- Pre-event ---
  +++ Ringing +++
    SetDelivered: party 6661.c20fe070-c20fd3c0:1, cause Null
    -- TellQueued
    -- party_info 6661.c1964040 state change: from <Null> to <Queued>
    -- aTmParty::SetBusinessType():6661 set to BusinessType[1/1:0]
    -- AgnEmu: business type taken from distribution device 6661
    -- AgnEmu: business call BusinessType[2/4:0]
    -- aTmCall::SetBusinessType():006f0328338b2001 set to BusinessType[2/4:1]
    -- aTmParty::SetBusinessType():6661 set to BusinessType[2/4:1]
@16:42:10.5170 [ISCC] Party added [ddp view]:
@ c:006f0328338b2001,00000000c20fb9f0 @ m:0000000000000000,0000000000000000,0000000000000000 p:2 i:01000001 nw:00000000:0000000000000000 t:1
  p:00000000c1964c40 @ c:006f0328338b2001,00000000c20fb9f0 r:1 t:0 s:1000c n:6001
+ p:00000000c1964040 @ c:006f0328338b2001,00000000c20fb9f0 r:2 t:0 s:9 n:6661
@16:42:10.5170 [ISCC] Party object is created: p:0000000000000000,00000000c1964040 n:6661:
@16:42:10.5170 [ISCC] Party added:
@ c:006f0328338b2001,00000000c20fb9f0 @ m:0000000000000000,0000000000000000 p:2 i:01000001 nw:0000000000000000 t:1
  p:0000000000000000,00000000c1964c40 @ c:006f0328338b2001,00000000c20fb9f0 r:1 ----- n:6001:
+ p:0000000000000000,00000000c1964040 @ c:006f0328338b2001,00000000c20fb9f0 r:2 ----- n:6661:
@16:42:10.5170 [0] distribute call/party event: message EventCallPartyAdded
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000000104
AttributeTimeStamp 618999b20007e388
AttributeDBID 128
AttributeDN '6661'
AttributeMediaType 0
AttributePartyState 0x9
AttributePartyType 0
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeCallUUID 'U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'
AttributePartyUUID 'PKQH832PBT68D40U66IG1MGQHS000005'
16:42:10.517 Int 04544 Interaction message "EventCallPartyAdded" generated
16:42:10.517 Trc 04542 EventCallPartyAdded sent to [840] (00000007 ORS
    push_queue: 6661 for 6661
@16:42:10.5170 [0] distribute_event: message EventQueued
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000000105
AttributeTimeinuSecs 517000
AttributeTimeinSecs 1636407730 (16:42:10)
AttributeExtensions [23] 00 01 01 00..
'BusinessCall' 1
AttributePartyUUID 'PKQH832PBT68D40U66IG1MGQHS000005'
AttributeThisQueue '6661'
AttributeThisDNRole 2
AttributeThisDN '6661'
AttributeDNIS '6661'
AttributeCallUUID 'U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeCallID 16777217
AttributePropagatedCallType 1
AttributeCallType 1
AttributeCallState 0
AttributeOtherDNRole 1
AttributeOtherDN '6001'
16:42:10.517 Int 04544 Interaction message "EventQueued" generated
16:42:10.517 Trc 04542 EventQueued sent to [856] (00000009  - SPv7203ST
16:42:10.517 Trc 04542 EventQueued sent to [840] (00000007 ORS
16:42:10.517 Trc 04542 EventQueued sent to [836] (00000006 StatServer_Routing
16:42:10.517 Trc 04542 EventQueued sent to [828] (00000005 StatServer_Reporting_Pulse
16:42:10.517 Trc 04542 EventQueued sent to [832] (00000004 StatServer_Reporting
16:42:10.517 Trc 04542 EventQueued sent to [652] (00000003 URS
@16:42:10.5170 [0] distribute_event: message EventRouteRequest
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000000106
AttributeTimeinuSecs 517000
AttributeTimeinSecs 1636407730 (16:42:10)
AttributeExtensions [23] 00 01 01 00..
'BusinessCall' 1
AttributeOtherDNRole 1
AttributeOtherDN '6001'
AttributePartyUUID 'PKQH832PBT68D40U66IG1MGQHS000005'
AttributeThisQueue '6661'
AttributeThisDNRole 2
AttributeThisDN '6661'
AttributeDNIS '6661'
AttributeCallUUID 'U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeCallID 16777217
AttributePropagatedCallType 1
AttributeCallType 1
AttributeCallState 0
16:42:10.517 Int 04544 Interaction message "EventRouteRequest" generated
16:42:10.517 Trc 04542 EventRouteRequest sent to [856] (00000009  - SPv7203ST
16:42:10.517 Trc 04542 EventRouteRequest sent to [840] (00000007 ORS
16:42:10.517 Trc 04542 EventRouteRequest sent to [836] (00000006 StatServer_Routing
16:42:10.517 Trc 04542 EventRouteRequest sent to [828] (00000005 StatServer_Reporting_Pulse
16:42:10.517 Trc 04542 EventRouteRequest sent to [832] (00000004 StatServer_Reporting
16:42:10.517 Trc 04542 EventRouteRequest sent to [652] (00000003 URS
@16:42:10.5170 [0] distribute call/party event: message EventCallPartyState
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000000107
AttributeTimeStamp 618999b20007e388
AttributePartyState 0x809
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeCallUUID 'U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'
AttributePartyUUID 'PKQH832PBT68D40U66IG1MGQHS000005'
16:42:10.517 Int 04544 Interaction message "EventCallPartyState" generated
16:42:10.517 Trc 04542 EventCallPartyState sent to [840] (00000007 ORS
    -- Cleanup call leg
  --- Ringing ---
  +++ Post-event +++
    Type EventRouteRequest
    Devices: <6661/6661> <6001/6001> <-/->
    Calls: 16777217/006f0328338b2001/16777217.c20fd3c0/c:2/r:0 0/none
    Parties: D6661/6661.c20fe070-c20fd3c0:1/l:2/r:0/Queued,RtRequest,Destination
    Call type: Internal/1
    Flags: divert=0 hook=0 postCall=0 active=1 moveAll=1 callType=1 hideOtherPi=0 InternalOther=1
  --- Post-event ---
16:42:10.517 --- CIFace::Event ---
16:42:10.517 SIPCONN(6001): SendResponse(180,4)
16:42:10.518: add party info '6001' state 1.
16:42:10.519: Sending  [0,UDP] 503 bytes to >>>>>
SIP/2.0 180 Ringing
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d87543-a864f54858129947-1--d87543-;rport;received=
To: "6661"<sip:6661@>;tag=317BF5CF-1CDC-4F91-9BC3-F0EAFF71E606-3
From: "6001"<sip:6001@>;tag=2576e15e
Call-ID: 765f3e650c42b027ODg2NDdhMzMwM2Y2MmJlYjdkZjk3ZDJlNWE3Nzg5YmU.
X-Genesys-CallUUID: U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001
Supported: uui
Content-Length: 0

16:42:10.519: SipDialog: event CALLED_RESPROV, t=4, s=1, r=9, m=00000000c210a6f8 port=5001
16:42:10.519: CID:CUUID>765f3e650c42b027ODg2NDdhMzMwM2Y2MmJlYjdkZjk3ZDJlNWE3Nzg5YmU.:U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001:
16:42:10.519 SIPCONN(6001): HandleSipDialogEvent(CALLED_RESPROV) - filtered
16:42:10.519: Tr(5,SipTransactionConnectNewParty):completed
16:42:10.519: Sc(0):step 4, Tr(5,SipTransactionConnectNewParty) - completed
16:42:10.519: Tr(0,SipScenario):completed
16:42:10.519: SIPCM: transaction SipScenario(0) complete
16:42:10.520: PI-1: 00 S[IN]D[6001]C[*D[6001]]P[-]
16:42:10.520: PI-1: 00 S[QN]D[6661]E[-]
16:42:10.520: CALLSTATE(a:1,d:1,i:0,e:0,r:0,o:0)
16:42:10.522: call1 16777217 idle
16:42:10.522: $-NET:SIP::0:29772

16:42:10.623 Trc 04541 RequestUpdateUserData received from [652] (00000003 URS
message RequestUpdateUserData
AttributeThisDN '6661'
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeUserData [510] 00 17 00 00..
'RVQID' ''
'RTargetTypeSelected' '100'
'RTargetRuleSelected' ''
'RTargetObjectSelected' ''
'RTargetObjSelDBID' ''
'RTargetAgentSelected' ''
'RTargetAgSelDBID' ''
'RTargetPlaceSelected' ''
'RTargetPlSelDBID' ''
'RTenant' 'Environment'
'RTenantDBID' '1'
'RStrategyName' ''
'RStrategyDBID' ''
'CBR-actual_volume' ''
'CBR-Interaction_cost' ''
'CBR-contract_DBIDs' ''
'CBR-IT-path_DBIDs' ''
'RRequestedSkillCombination' ''
'CustomerSegment' 'default'
'ServiceType' 'default'
'ServiceObjective' ''
AttributeReferenceID 22
16:42:10.623 Int 04543 Interaction message "RequestUpdateUserData" received from 652 ("URS")
@16:42:10.6230 Call [006f0328338b2001]: urid 0002006f
@16:42:10.6230 [0] distribute_event: message EventAttachedDataChanged
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000000108
AttributeTimeinuSecs 623000
AttributeTimeinSecs 1636407730 (16:42:10)
AttributeThirdPartyDN '6661'
AttributeThisDNRole 1
AttributeThisDN '6001'
AttributeDNIS '6661'
AttributeUserData [510] 00 17 00 00..
'RVQID' ''
'RTargetTypeSelected' '100'
'RTargetRuleSelected' ''
'RTargetObjectSelected' ''
'RTargetObjSelDBID' ''
'RTargetAgentSelected' ''
'RTargetAgSelDBID' ''
'RTargetPlaceSelected' ''
'RTargetPlSelDBID' ''
'RTenant' 'Environment'
'RTenantDBID' '1'
'RStrategyName' ''
'RStrategyDBID' ''
'CBR-actual_volume' ''
'CBR-Interaction_cost' ''
'CBR-contract_DBIDs' ''
'CBR-IT-path_DBIDs' ''
'RRequestedSkillCombination' ''
'CustomerSegment' 'default'
'ServiceType' 'default'
'ServiceObjective' ''
AttributeCallUUID 'U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeCallID 16777217
AttributePropagatedCallType 1
AttributeCallType 1
16:42:10.623 Int 04544 Interaction message "EventAttachedDataChanged" generated
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [836] (00000006 StatServer_Routing
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [828] (00000005 StatServer_Reporting_Pulse
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [832] (00000004 StatServer_Reporting
@16:42:10.6230 [0] distribute_response: message EventAttachedDataChanged
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000000109
AttributeTimeinuSecs 623000
AttributeTimeinSecs 1636407730 (16:42:10)
AttributeReferenceID 22
AttributeThirdPartyDN '6661'
AttributeThisDNRole 2
AttributeThisDN '6661'
AttributeDNIS '6661'
AttributeUserData [510] 00 17 00 00..
'RVQID' ''
'RTargetTypeSelected' '100'
'RTargetRuleSelected' ''
'RTargetObjectSelected' ''
'RTargetObjSelDBID' ''
'RTargetAgentSelected' ''
'RTargetAgSelDBID' ''
'RTargetPlaceSelected' ''
'RTargetPlSelDBID' ''
'RTenant' 'Environment'
'RTenantDBID' '1'
'RStrategyName' ''
'RStrategyDBID' ''
'CBR-actual_volume' ''
'CBR-Interaction_cost' ''
'CBR-contract_DBIDs' ''
'CBR-IT-path_DBIDs' ''
'RRequestedSkillCombination' ''
'CustomerSegment' 'default'
'ServiceType' 'default'
'ServiceObjective' ''
AttributeCallUUID 'U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeCallID 16777217
AttributePropagatedCallType 1
AttributeCallType 1
16:42:10.623 Int 04544 Interaction message "EventAttachedDataChanged" generated
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [652] (00000003 URS
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [856] (00000009  - SPv7203ST
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [836] (00000006 StatServer_Routing
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [828] (00000005 StatServer_Reporting_Pulse
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [832] (00000004 StatServer_Reporting
@16:42:10.6230 [ISCC] Updated call:
i c:006f0328338b2001,00000000c20fb9f0 @ m:0000000000000000,0000000000000000 p:2 i:01000001 nw:0000000000000000 t:1
  p:0000000000000000,00000000c1964c40 @ c:006f0328338b2001,00000000c20fb9f0 r:1 ----- n:6001:
  p:0000000000000000,00000000c1964040 @ c:006f0328338b2001,00000000c20fb9f0 r:2 ----- n:6661:
@16:42:10.6230 [ISCC] UserData propagation has been started
@16:42:10.6230 [ISCC] UserData propagation has been finished
16:42:10.623  -- call_info::committed changed
@16:42:10.6230 [0] distribute call/party event: message EventCallDataChanged
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 000000000000010a
AttributeTimeStamp 618999b200098198
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeCallUUID 'U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'
AttributeCtrlParty '6661'
AttributeUserData [510] 00 17 00 00..
'RVQID' ''
'RTargetTypeSelected' '100'
'RTargetRuleSelected' ''
'RTargetObjectSelected' ''
'RTargetObjSelDBID' ''
'RTargetAgentSelected' ''
'RTargetAgSelDBID' ''
'RTargetPlaceSelected' ''
'RTargetPlSelDBID' ''
'RTenant' 'Environment'
'RTenantDBID' '1'
'RStrategyName' ''
'RStrategyDBID' ''
'CBR-actual_volume' ''
'CBR-Interaction_cost' ''
'CBR-contract_DBIDs' ''
'CBR-IT-path_DBIDs' ''
'RRequestedSkillCombination' ''
'CustomerSegment' 'default'
'ServiceType' 'default'
'ServiceObjective' ''
16:42:10.623 Int 04544 Interaction message "EventCallDataChanged" generated
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventCallDataChanged sent to [840] (00000007 ORS
16:42:10.623  -- created: CRequest@c1ebdca0 RequestUpdateUserData-URS[652]/22
16:42:10.623: $+TLIB:CTI:Unknown:0:12208867
16:42:10.623  -- deleted: CRequest@c1ebdca0 RequestUpdateUserData-URS[652]/22
16:42:10.623: $-TLIB:CTI:Unknown:0:6

16:42:10.623 Trc 04541 RequestUpdateUserData received from [840] (00000007 ORS
message RequestUpdateUserData
AttributeThisDN '6661'
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeUserData [114] 00 01 03 00..
'ORSI:Cluster1:U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'(list) 'Session' '15UIL6S7ID64VBN98777PN4I08000002+'
                                                      'Node' '116'
AttributeReferenceID 39
16:42:10.623 Int 04543 Interaction message "RequestUpdateUserData" received from 840 ("ORS")
@16:42:10.6230 Call [006f0328338b2001]: urid 0003006f
@16:42:10.6230 [0] distribute_event: message EventAttachedDataChanged
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 000000000000010b
AttributeTimeinuSecs 623000
AttributeTimeinSecs 1636407730 (16:42:10)
AttributeThirdPartyDN '6661'
AttributeThisDNRole 1
AttributeThisDN '6001'
AttributeDNIS '6661'
AttributeUserData [622] 00 18 00 00..
'RVQID' ''
'RTargetTypeSelected' '100'
'RTargetRuleSelected' ''
'RTargetObjectSelected' ''
'RTargetObjSelDBID' ''
'RTargetAgentSelected' ''
'RTargetAgSelDBID' ''
'RTargetPlaceSelected' ''
'RTargetPlSelDBID' ''
'RTenant' 'Environment'
'RTenantDBID' '1'
'RStrategyName' ''
'RStrategyDBID' ''
'CBR-actual_volume' ''
'CBR-Interaction_cost' ''
'CBR-contract_DBIDs' ''
'CBR-IT-path_DBIDs' ''
'RRequestedSkillCombination' ''
'CustomerSegment' 'default'
'ServiceType' 'default'
'ServiceObjective' ''
'ORSI:Cluster1:U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'(list) 'Session' '15UIL6S7ID64VBN98777PN4I08000002+'
                                                      'Node' '116'
AttributeCallUUID 'U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeCallID 16777217
AttributePropagatedCallType 1
AttributeCallType 1
16:42:10.623 Int 04544 Interaction message "EventAttachedDataChanged" generated
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [836] (00000006 StatServer_Routing
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [828] (00000005 StatServer_Reporting_Pulse
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [832] (00000004 StatServer_Reporting
@16:42:10.6230 [0] distribute_response: message EventAttachedDataChanged
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 000000000000010c
AttributeTimeinuSecs 623000
AttributeTimeinSecs 1636407730 (16:42:10)
AttributeReferenceID 39
AttributeThirdPartyDN '6661'
AttributeThisDNRole 2
AttributeThisDN '6661'
AttributeDNIS '6661'
AttributeUserData [622] 00 18 00 00..
'RVQID' ''
'RTargetTypeSelected' '100'
'RTargetRuleSelected' ''
'RTargetObjectSelected' ''
'RTargetObjSelDBID' ''
'RTargetAgentSelected' ''
'RTargetAgSelDBID' ''
'RTargetPlaceSelected' ''
'RTargetPlSelDBID' ''
'RTenant' 'Environment'
'RTenantDBID' '1'
'RStrategyName' ''
'RStrategyDBID' ''
'CBR-actual_volume' ''
'CBR-Interaction_cost' ''
'CBR-contract_DBIDs' ''
'CBR-IT-path_DBIDs' ''
'RRequestedSkillCombination' ''
'CustomerSegment' 'default'
'ServiceType' 'default'
'ServiceObjective' ''
'ORSI:Cluster1:U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'(list) 'Session' '15UIL6S7ID64VBN98777PN4I08000002+'
                                                      'Node' '116'
AttributeCallUUID 'U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeCallID 16777217
AttributePropagatedCallType 1
AttributeCallType 1
16:42:10.623 Int 04544 Interaction message "EventAttachedDataChanged" generated
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [856] (00000009  - SPv7203ST
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [836] (00000006 StatServer_Routing
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [828] (00000005 StatServer_Reporting_Pulse
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [832] (00000004 StatServer_Reporting
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [652] (00000003 URS
@16:42:10.6230 [ISCC] Updated call:
i c:006f0328338b2001,00000000c20fb9f0 @ m:0000000000000000,0000000000000000 p:2 i:01000001 nw:0000000000000000 t:1
  p:0000000000000000,00000000c1964c40 @ c:006f0328338b2001,00000000c20fb9f0 r:1 ----- n:6001:
  p:0000000000000000,00000000c1964040 @ c:006f0328338b2001,00000000c20fb9f0 r:2 ----- n:6661:
@16:42:10.6230 [ISCC] UserData propagation has been started
@16:42:10.6230 [ISCC] UserData propagation has been finished
16:42:10.623  -- call_info::committed changed
@16:42:10.6230 [0] distribute call/party event: message EventCallDataChanged
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 000000000000010d
AttributeTimeStamp 618999b200098198
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeCallUUID 'U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'
AttributeCtrlParty '6661'
AttributeUserData [622] 00 18 00 00..
'RVQID' ''
'RTargetTypeSelected' '100'
'RTargetRuleSelected' ''
'RTargetObjectSelected' ''
'RTargetObjSelDBID' ''
'RTargetAgentSelected' ''
'RTargetAgSelDBID' ''
'RTargetPlaceSelected' ''
'RTargetPlSelDBID' ''
'RTenant' 'Environment'
'RTenantDBID' '1'
'RStrategyName' ''
'RStrategyDBID' ''
'CBR-actual_volume' ''
'CBR-Interaction_cost' ''
'CBR-contract_DBIDs' ''
'CBR-IT-path_DBIDs' ''
'RRequestedSkillCombination' ''
'CustomerSegment' 'default'
'ServiceType' 'default'
'ServiceObjective' ''
'ORSI:Cluster1:U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'(list) 'Session' '15UIL6S7ID64VBN98777PN4I08000002+'
                                                      'Node' '116'
16:42:10.623 Int 04544 Interaction message "EventCallDataChanged" generated
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventCallDataChanged sent to [840] (00000007 ORS
@16:42:10.6230 [0] send_to_client: message EventACK
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 000000000000010e
AttributeTimeinuSecs 623000
AttributeTimeinSecs 1636407730 (16:42:10)
AttributeReferenceID 39
AttributeUserEvent RequestUpdateUserData
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventACK sent to [840] (00000007 ORS
16:42:10.623  -- created: CRequest@c1ebd320 RequestUpdateUserData-ORS[840]/39
16:42:10.623: $+TLIB:CTI:Unknown:0:220
16:42:10.623  -- deleted: CRequest@c1ebd320 RequestUpdateUserData-ORS[840]/39
16:42:10.623: $-TLIB:CTI:Unknown:0:3

16:42:10.623 Trc 04541 RequestUpdateUserData received from [652] (00000003 URS
message RequestUpdateUserData
AttributeThisDN '6661'
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeUserData [17] 00 01 01 00..
'PegDEF' 1
AttributeReferenceID 23
16:42:10.623 Int 04543 Interaction message "RequestUpdateUserData" received from 652 ("URS")
@16:42:10.6230 Call [006f0328338b2001]: urid 0004006f
@16:42:10.6230 [0] distribute_event: message EventAttachedDataChanged
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 000000000000010f
AttributeTimeinuSecs 623000
AttributeTimeinSecs 1636407730 (16:42:10)
AttributeThirdPartyDN '6661'
AttributeThisDNRole 1
AttributeThisDN '6001'
AttributeDNIS '6661'
AttributeUserData [637] 00 19 00 00..
'RVQID' ''
'RTargetTypeSelected' '100'
'RTargetRuleSelected' ''
'RTargetObjectSelected' ''
'RTargetObjSelDBID' ''
'RTargetAgentSelected' ''
'RTargetAgSelDBID' ''
'RTargetPlaceSelected' ''
'RTargetPlSelDBID' ''
'RTenant' 'Environment'
'RTenantDBID' '1'
'RStrategyName' ''
'RStrategyDBID' ''
'CBR-actual_volume' ''
'CBR-Interaction_cost' ''
'CBR-contract_DBIDs' ''
'CBR-IT-path_DBIDs' ''
'RRequestedSkillCombination' ''
'CustomerSegment' 'default'
'ServiceType' 'default'
'ServiceObjective' ''
'ORSI:Cluster1:U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'(list) 'Session' '15UIL6S7ID64VBN98777PN4I08000002+'
                                                      'Node' '116'
'PegDEF' 1
AttributeCallUUID 'U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeCallID 16777217
AttributePropagatedCallType 1
AttributeCallType 1
16:42:10.623 Int 04544 Interaction message "EventAttachedDataChanged" generated
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [836] (00000006 StatServer_Routing
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [828] (00000005 StatServer_Reporting_Pulse
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [832] (00000004 StatServer_Reporting
@16:42:10.6230 [0] distribute_response: message EventAttachedDataChanged
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000000110
AttributeTimeinuSecs 623000
AttributeTimeinSecs 1636407730 (16:42:10)
AttributeReferenceID 23
AttributeThirdPartyDN '6661'
AttributeThisDNRole 2
AttributeThisDN '6661'
AttributeDNIS '6661'
AttributeUserData [637] 00 19 00 00..
'RVQID' ''
'RTargetTypeSelected' '100'
'RTargetRuleSelected' ''
'RTargetObjectSelected' ''
'RTargetObjSelDBID' ''
'RTargetAgentSelected' ''
'RTargetAgSelDBID' ''
'RTargetPlaceSelected' ''
'RTargetPlSelDBID' ''
'RTenant' 'Environment'
'RTenantDBID' '1'
'RStrategyName' ''
'RStrategyDBID' ''
'CBR-actual_volume' ''
'CBR-Interaction_cost' ''
'CBR-contract_DBIDs' ''
'CBR-IT-path_DBIDs' ''
'RRequestedSkillCombination' ''
'CustomerSegment' 'default'
'ServiceType' 'default'
'ServiceObjective' ''
'ORSI:Cluster1:U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'(list) 'Session' '15UIL6S7ID64VBN98777PN4I08000002+'
                                                      'Node' '116'
'PegDEF' 1
AttributeCallUUID 'U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeCallID 16777217
AttributePropagatedCallType 1
AttributeCallType 1
16:42:10.623 Int 04544 Interaction message "EventAttachedDataChanged" generated
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [652] (00000003 URS
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [856] (00000009  - SPv7203ST
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [836] (00000006 StatServer_Routing
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [828] (00000005 StatServer_Reporting_Pulse
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [832] (00000004 StatServer_Reporting
@16:42:10.6230 [ISCC] Updated call:
i c:006f0328338b2001,00000000c20fb9f0 @ m:0000000000000000,0000000000000000 p:2 i:01000001 nw:0000000000000000 t:1
  p:0000000000000000,00000000c1964c40 @ c:006f0328338b2001,00000000c20fb9f0 r:1 ----- n:6001:
  p:0000000000000000,00000000c1964040 @ c:006f0328338b2001,00000000c20fb9f0 r:2 ----- n:6661:
@16:42:10.6230 [ISCC] UserData propagation has been started
@16:42:10.6230 [ISCC] UserData propagation has been finished
16:42:10.623  -- call_info::committed changed
@16:42:10.6230 [0] distribute call/party event: message EventCallDataChanged
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000000111
AttributeTimeStamp 618999b200098198
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeCallUUID 'U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'
AttributeCtrlParty '6661'
AttributeUserData [637] 00 19 00 00..
'RVQID' ''
'RTargetTypeSelected' '100'
'RTargetRuleSelected' ''
'RTargetObjectSelected' ''
'RTargetObjSelDBID' ''
'RTargetAgentSelected' ''
'RTargetAgSelDBID' ''
'RTargetPlaceSelected' ''
'RTargetPlSelDBID' ''
'RTenant' 'Environment'
'RTenantDBID' '1'
'RStrategyName' ''
'RStrategyDBID' ''
'CBR-actual_volume' ''
'CBR-Interaction_cost' ''
'CBR-contract_DBIDs' ''
'CBR-IT-path_DBIDs' ''
'RRequestedSkillCombination' ''
'CustomerSegment' 'default'
'ServiceType' 'default'
'ServiceObjective' ''
'ORSI:Cluster1:U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'(list) 'Session' '15UIL6S7ID64VBN98777PN4I08000002+'
                                                      'Node' '116'
'PegDEF' 1
16:42:10.623 Int 04544 Interaction message "EventCallDataChanged" generated
16:42:10.623 Trc 04542 EventCallDataChanged sent to [840] (00000007 ORS
16:42:10.623  -- created: CRequest@c1ebd0c0 RequestUpdateUserData-URS[652]/23
16:42:10.623: $+TLIB:CTI:Unknown:0:147
16:42:10.623  -- deleted: CRequest@c1ebd0c0 RequestUpdateUserData-URS[652]/23
16:42:10.623: $-TLIB:CTI:Unknown:0:2

16:42:10.623 Trc 04541 RequestRouteCall received from [652] (00000003 URS
message RequestRouteCall
AttributeThisDN '6661'
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeOtherDN ''
AttributeExtensions [50] 00 02 00 00..
'CUSTOMER_ID' 'Environment'
'SWITCH' 'LimaSwitch'
AttributeRouteType 1 (RouteTypeDefault)
AttributeReason [14] 00 01 01 00..
'RTR' 114
AttributeReferenceID 24
16:42:10.623 Int 04543 Interaction message "RequestRouteCall" received from 652 ("URS")
@16:42:10.6230 [ISCC] destination_location substituted by local
@16:42:10.6230 [ISCC] destination_location substituted by local
16:42:10.623  -- created: CRequest@c1ebdca0 RequestRouteCall-URS[652]/24
16:42:10.623: $+TLIB:CTI:Unknown:0:26
16:42:10.623 +++ CIFace::Request +++
  -- new invoke
16:42:10.623 Trc 36210 Client 3(URS): no destination DN in request
  -- thisCall by party
  Parsed: RequestRouteCall
  From: URS[652]/24
  Numbers: +<6661> -<none>
  Calls: c20fd3c0:1 none
  Parties: 6661.c20fe070-c20fd3c0:1
  Status: parsed:1 queued:0 sent:0 acked:0 preevent:0 event:0 context:0 transferred:0
  -- validate
  -- state check: ok
  CIFace: Sent CRequest@c1ebdca0 RequestRouteCall-URS[652]/24
  -- aTmCall 006f0328338b2001 SetCause: Distributed
  -- created NAData c06d46b0
  FinishRequest CRequest@c1ebdca0 RequestRouteCall-URS[652]/24
  IFace stats: q=0 s=0
  -- complete
  -- NAData ClRq removed
16:42:10.623: RID:CUUID>24:U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001:
16:42:10.624: routing destination missing, no default-dn is specified
  Response (415): for CRequest@c1ebdca0 RequestRouteCall-URS[652]/24
16:42:10.624 Trc 36210 Client 3(URS): no destination DN in request
  -- thisCall by party
16:42:10.626 Trc 36002 Request rejected: error code 415(Invalid Destination DN)
@16:42:10.6260 [0] send_to_client: message EventError
(Invalid Destination DN)
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000000112
AttributeTimeinuSecs 626000
AttributeTimeinSecs 1636407730 (16:42:10)
AttributeErrorCode 415
AttributeErrorMessage 'Invalid Destination DN'
AttributeReferenceID 24
AttributeReason [14] 00 01 01 00..
'RTR' 114
AttributeRouteType 1 (RouteTypeDefault)
AttributeExtensions [50] 00 02 00 00..
'CUSTOMER_ID' 'Environment'
'SWITCH' 'LimaSwitch'
AttributeOtherDN ''
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeThisDN '6661'
AttributeClientID 3
16:42:10.626 Int 04545 Interaction message "EventError" sent to 652 ("URS")
16:42:10.626 Trc 04542 EventError sent to [652] (00000003 URS
  FinishRequest: second time for CRequest@c1ebdca0 RequestRouteCall-URS[652]/24
16:42:10.626 --- CIFace::Request ---
16:42:10.626  -- deleted: CRequest@c1ebdca0 RequestRouteCall-URS[652]/24
16:42:10.626: $-TLIB:CTI:Unknown:0:2577

16:42:12.635 Trc 04541 RequestUpdateUserData received from [840] (00000007 ORS
message RequestUpdateUserData
AttributeThisDN '6661'
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeUserData [187] 00 03 03 00..
'ORSI:Cluster1:U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'(list) 'Session' '15UIL6S7ID64VBN98777PN4I08000002'
                                                      'Node' '116'
'RStrategyName' 'Simple_Test.default.defaultWorkflow'
'RStrategyDBID' '193'
AttributeReferenceID 40
16:42:12.635 Int 04543 Interaction message "RequestUpdateUserData" received from 840 ("ORS")
@16:42:12.6350 Call [006f0328338b2001]: urid 0005006f
@16:42:12.6350 [0] distribute_event: message EventAttachedDataChanged
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000000113
AttributeTimeinuSecs 635000
AttributeTimeinSecs 1636407732 (16:42:12)
AttributeThirdPartyDN '6661'
AttributeThisDNRole 1
AttributeThisDN '6001'
AttributeDNIS '6661'
AttributeUserData [674] 00 19 00 00..
'RVQID' ''
'RTargetTypeSelected' '100'
'RTargetRuleSelected' ''
'RTargetObjectSelected' ''
'RTargetObjSelDBID' ''
'RTargetAgentSelected' ''
'RTargetAgSelDBID' ''
'RTargetPlaceSelected' ''
'RTargetPlSelDBID' ''
'RTenant' 'Environment'
'RTenantDBID' '1'
'CBR-actual_volume' ''
'CBR-Interaction_cost' ''
'CBR-contract_DBIDs' ''
'CBR-IT-path_DBIDs' ''
'RRequestedSkillCombination' ''
'CustomerSegment' 'default'
'ServiceType' 'default'
'ServiceObjective' ''
'PegDEF' 1
'ORSI:Cluster1:U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'(list) 'Session' '15UIL6S7ID64VBN98777PN4I08000002'
                                                      'Node' '116'
'RStrategyName' 'Simple_Test.default.defaultWorkflow'
'RStrategyDBID' '193'
AttributeCallUUID 'U5O3APV46929935HOVFOSQ80KG000001'
AttributeConnID 006f0328338b2001
AttributeCallID 16777217
AttributePropagatedCallType 1
AttributeCallType 1
16:42:12.635 Int 04544 Interaction message "EventAttachedDataChanged" generated
16:42:12.635 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [836] (00000006 StatServer_Routing
16:42:12.635 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [828] (00000005 StatServer_Reporting_Pulse
16:42:12.635 Trc 04542 EventAttachedDataChanged sent to [832] (00000004 StatServer_Reporting
@16:42:12.6350 [0] distribute_response: message EventAttachedDataChanged
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000000114
AttributeTimeinuSecs 635000
AttributeTimeinSecs 1636407732 (16:42:12)
AttributeReferenceID 40
AttributeThirdPartyDN '6661'
AttributeThisDNRole 2
AttributeThisDN '6661'
AttributeDNIS '6661'
AttributeUserData [674] 00 19 00 00..
'RVQID' ''
'RTargetTypeSelected' '100'
'RTargetRuleSelected' ''
'RTargetObjectSelected' ''
'RTargetObjSelDBID' ''
'RTargetAgentSelected' ''
'RTargetAgSelDBID' ''
'RTargetPlaceSelected' ''
'RTargetPlSelDBID' ''
'RTenant' 'Environment'
'RTenantDBID' '1'
'CBR-actual_volume' ''
'CBR-Interaction_cost' ''
'CBR-contract_DBIDs' ''
'CBR-IT-path_DBIDs' ''
'RRequestedSkillCombination' ''
'CustomerSegment' 'default'

Offline efrainclg95

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Re: Problem routing the call using composer - 0415 Invalid Destination DN
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2021, 10:23:55 PM »
[b]ORS Log[/b]

16:42:10.514 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventCallCreated" received from 65209 ("LimaSipServer")
16:42:10.515 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventCallPartyAdded" received from 65209 ("LimaSipServer")
16:42:10.522 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventDialing" received from 65209 ("LimaSipServer@6001")
16:42:10.522 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventCallPartyAdded" received from 65209 ("LimaSipServer")
16:42:10.522 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventQueued" received from 65209 ("LimaSipServer@6661")
16:42:10.525 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventRouteRequest" received from 65209 ("LimaSipServer@6661")
16:42:10.623 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventCallDataChanged" received from 65209 ("LimaSipServer")
16:42:10.623 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventCallDataChanged" received from 65209 ("LimaSipServer")
16:42:10.626 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventCallDataChanged" received from 65209 ("LimaSipServer")
16:42:12.635 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventCallDataChanged" received from 65209 ("LimaSipServer")
16:42:14.646 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventCallDataChanged" received from 65209 ("LimaSipServer")
16:42:17.667 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventCallDataChanged" received from 65209 ("LimaSipServer")
16:42:17.972 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventReleased" received from 65209 ("LimaSipServer@6001")
16:42:17.972 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventCallPartyDeleted" received from 65209 ("LimaSipServer")
16:42:17.986 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventAbandoned" received from 65209 ("LimaSipServer@6661")
16:42:17.986 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventCallPartyDeleted" received from 65209 ("LimaSipServer")
16:42:17.986 Int 04543 Interaction message "EventCallDeleted" received from 65209 ("LimaSipServer")

Offline cavagnaro

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Re: Problem routing the call using composer - 0415 Invalid Destination DN
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2021, 12:37:32 AM »
Of course it is invalid

AttributeThisDN  '6661'
  AttributeConnID  006f0328338b2001
  AttributeOtherDN  ''

OtherDN is empty.
Set ORS logs to full as well or use __Log function to post logs about the logic.
Verify your ORS application logic

Offline René

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Re: Problem routing the call using composer - 0415 Invalid Destination DN
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2021, 08:06:32 AM »

URS is not configured correctly to use ORS. Please check your configuration.

[font=courier]16:42:10.517_T_I_006f0328338b2001 [14:0c] EventRouteRequest is received for ts LimaSipServer[LimaSwitch] (thisdn=6661)
    _T_I_006f0328338b2001 [14:09] add DN LimaSipServer 6661 <6661@LimaSwitch> (CDN 71 006f0328338b2001 e10356c308) to the call 1-e103557800 truly:111
    _T_I_006f0328338b2001 [14:08] check delayed proc
    _T_I_006f0328338b2001 [01:2d] call states: s=0 d=0 t=0
    _T_I_006f0328338b2001 [14:43] call data updated(ani=,dnis=6661)
    [color=red]_I_W_006f0328338b2001 [14:03] start without strategy -> default/ignore
16:42:10.518 Int 20003 interaction 006f0328338b2001 is routed to default[/color]
request to 65209(LimaSipServer) message RequestUpdateUserData[/font]


Offline efrainclg95

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Re: Problem routing the call using composer - 0415 Invalid Destination DN
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2021, 05:20:30 PM »
Hello Rene,

Thanks for your suggestion, I actually started to compare the configuration of the URS that I have against another that I found and add these parameters:

strategy = ORS

Then I modified these other parameters:

report_targets = true
request_timeout = 8000
route_consult_call = true

From there I did not find a major difference, then I did the test and the strategy effectively worked as it should, the call progresses without complication to the operator.

Thank you very much for your contribution, the staff in this forum are truly experts.
