Hi All experts here,
I am newbie to Genesys and learning to deploy the new system.So far, my sip server and associated applications are up and running. I m facing with an Inbound call making to agent. I m using simple dafault work flow,when call come in will potint to routing point then route to workflow scripts. When the call trying to route to agent group, agent status show NO READY DNS on URS Log, so the call doesn't reach to agent. But my agents are login ready state and can make internal call, outbound call without issue. The logs below extracted from URS. Can anyone advise me where to look and fix for this issue. Thanks
09:18:19.186 RLIB: received from 888(ors_voice_common_aws_p) message RequestInvoke(1000000100)
refid(1) 5
callid(1000000000) '7PUHAI9ITD2RN2MMQ5KK4CNE6K00004K'
sessionid(1000000010) 'UQ0HA752BL7AVECQTB7AENK6E400000Q'
fm(1000000001) 'urs'
function(1000000002) 'SCXMLSubmit'
args(1000000003) '[1,"",0,"","any",60,0,0,"TMIGroup@statserver_routing_common_aws_p.GA"]'
09:18:19.186_I_I_00c303241db7308d [09:0a] SCXML: session SID=1J6JL4AD613ENAKM3UNBDTBMP40000NF external queue: event "function" added
09:18:19.186_I_I_00c303241db7308d [1c:06] SCXML: {{{{{resume session SID=1J6JL4AD613ENAKM3UNBDTBMP40000NF
_I_I_00c303241db7308d [1c:06] 1. SCXML: look for transitions (1)
_I_I_00c303241db7308d [1c:04] 1.x SCXML: state <initial>: check transitions, event "function"
09:18:19.186_I_I_00c303241db7308d [09:05] >>>>>>>>>>>>resume interp(0), func:SCXMLGetEvent 8000c002:c 26
_I_I_00c303241db7308d [09:04] ASSIGN v:0:_event(LOCAL) <- OBJECT:1c598a04020[undefined]={"name":"function","data":{"module":"urs","func":"SCXMLSubmit","params":"[1,\"\",0,\"\",\"any\",60,0,0,\"TMIGroup@statserver_routing_common_aws_p.GA\"]"}}
_I_I_00c303241db7308d [09:04] ASSIGN v:0:_eventdata(LOCAL) <- LIST:1c5989ea530[3]: module:urs|func:SCXMLSubmit|params:[1,"",0,"","any",60,0,0,"TMIGroup@statserver_routing_common_aws_p.GA"]
09:18:19.186_I_I_00c303241db7308d [09:04] <<<<<<<<<<<<suspend interp(NONE), func:SCXMLChangeState timers:00000 8000c002:c 26
_I_I_00c303241db7308d [1c:05] 2. SCXML: microstep
_I_I_00c303241db7308d [1c:05] 2.1 SCXML: microstep exitting phase
_I_I_00c303241db7308d [1c:05] 2.2 SCXML: microstep transiting phase
09:18:19.186_I_I_00c303241db7308d [09:05] >>>>>>>>>>>>resume interp(0), func:SCXMLChangeState 8000c002:c 26
_I_I_00c303241db7308d [09:04] ASSIGN v:25:_pbl_m(LOCAL) <- STRING[1,3]: "urs"
_I_I_00c303241db7308d [09:04] ASSIGN v:25:_pbl_f(LOCAL) <- STRING[1,11]: "SCXMLSubmit"
_I_I_00c303241db7308d [09:04] ASSIGN v:25:_pbl_parms(LOCAL) <- OBJECT:1c598a0ce60[Array]=[1,"",0,"","any",60,0,0,"TMIGroup@statserver_routing_common_aws_p.GA"]
09:18:19.186_I_I_00c303241db7308d [07:57] HERE IS TARGETS
TARGETS: TMIGroup@statserver_routing_common_aws_p.GA
09:18:19.186_M_I_ [17:0c] VQ 1c59883d4f8 created: type=0, ten=TMI_Common
_M_I_ [17:06] VQ 1c59883d4f8 TRG 1c598a5e508 added: name=TMIGroup, location=statserver_routing_common_aws_p, type=GA, state=##state, activity=unknown
09:18:19.186_M_I_ [10:06] SO(1c59736ad40 4 2) ten=TMI_Common name=TMIGroup@statserver_routing_common_aws_p.GA: stat <##content> asked (0,0,13)
09:18:19.186_M_I_ [17:05] VQ 1c59883d4f8 TRG 1c598a5e508 (name=TMIGroup, location=statserver_routing_common_aws_p, type=GA, obj=1c59736ad40) synchronizing (o=0, n=4, c=0)
_M_I_ [17:09] VQ 1c59883d4f8 TRG "..."(1c598a5e508): connected to state Agent AgentR ##state(1c598a5fcc8), bf=0
_M_I_ [17:09] VQ 1c59883d4f8 TRG "..."(1c598a5e508): connected to state Agent AgentS ##state(1c598a601b8), bf=0
_M_I_ [17:09] VQ 1c59883d4f8 TRG "..."(1c598a5e508): connected to state Agent AgentT ##state(1c598a60970), bf=0
_M_I_ [17:09] VQ 1c59883d4f8 TRG "..."(1c598a5e508): connected to state Agent Alex ##state(1c598a61128), bf=0
_M_I_00c303241db7308d [17:0f] VQ 1c59883d4f8 [at all 1 0/0 0] 1 Target(s), flag=808a, guid: 0TMI_Common|||1|d-1|1|00|0|0|---|||||||03|00{}{}{}[]TMIGroup@statserver_routing_common_aws_p.GA
09:18:19.186_M_I_00c303241db7308d [13:01] current vq: 1c598a0eda8 id=23568(), nVQ=B-IHHIIDHJ, priority=0, time=1632561499.186
09:18:19.186_M_I_00c303241db7308d [17:11] VQ 1c59883d4f8 first available call: 00c303241db7308d, reason=(1)binding
09:18:19.186_M_I_00c303241db7308d [13:03] call (vq 1c598a0eda8, id=23568, priority 0, time 1632561499.186) waits for VQ 1c59883d4f8 (name="") now (0 1632561499.186)
09:18:19.186_M_I_00c303241db7308d [17:0e] VQ 1c59883d4f8 (LVQ "", id=23568), (1 Targets, 2): SELECT ANY by stat <NONE>(random 0 0)
_M_I_00c303241db7308d [17:0b] VQ 1c59883d4f8 TRG "TMIGroup"(1c598a5e508) #1, (4-2 Components): SELECT ANY by stat <StatAgentLoading>(random 0)
_M_I_00c303241db7308d [17:0b] VQ 1c59883d4f8 TRG "TMIGroup"(1c598a5e508) Cmp #1 AgentR: logged out
_M_I_00c303241db7308d [17:0b] VQ 1c59883d4f8 TRG "TMIGroup"(1c598a5e508) Cmp #2 AgentS: no ready dns
_M_I_00c303241db7308d [17:0b] VQ 1c59883d4f8 TRG "TMIGroup"(1c598a5e508) Cmp #3 AgentT: logged out
_M_I_00c303241db7308d [17:0b] VQ 1c59883d4f8 TRG "TMIGroup"(1c598a5e508) Cmp #4 Alex: no ready dns
_M_I_00c303241db7308d [17:0b] VQ 1c59883d4f8 TRG "TMIGroup"(1c598a5e508): Cmp NOT SELECTED (2 2 0 0)
_M_I_00c303241db7308d [17:0e] VQ 1c59883d4f8 TRG "TMIGroup"(1c598a5e508) #1: not ready passed
_M_I_00c303241db7308d [17:0e] VQ 1c59883d4f8 (LVQ "" id=23568): TRG NOT SELECTED (0 0 0 1 0)
09:18:19.186_B_I_00c303241db7308d [07:57] delay treatments for 0 msec
_I_I_00c303241db7308d [09:04] ASSIGN v:25:_pbl_r(LOCAL) <- FLOAT: 23568
09:18:19.186_I_I_00c303241db7308d [09:04] <<<<<<<<<<<<suspend interp(NONE), func:SCXMLGetEvent timers:01000 8000c002:c 26
_I_I_00c303241db7308d [1c:05] 2.3 SCXML: microstep entering phase
_I_I_00c303241db7308d [1c:06] 1. SCXML: look for transitions (2)
09:18:19.186_I_I_00c303241db7308d [1c:06] SCXML: }}}}}suspend session SID=1J6JL4AD613ENAKM3UNBDTBMP40000NF
09:18:19.186 RLIB: request to 888(ors_voice_common_aws_p) message ResultOfInvoke(1000000101)
refid(1) 5
result(1000000004) '23568'
09:18:19.186_B_I_00c303241db7308d [07:64] start chain of treatments
09:18:19.186 RLIB: received from 860(ors_digital_common_aws_p) message RequestInvoke(1000000100)
refid(1) 59133329
callid(1000000000) '*AJTGP89HA972PDQ3E1TK6GRHD802BA3T'
sessionid(1000000010) 'AJTGP89HA972PDQ3E1TK6GRHD802BA3T'
fm(1000000001) 'session'
function(1000000002) 'listLookupValue'
args(1000000003) '["AddOPMList_Integration","WDELanguageDescription"]'
09:18:19.186_R_I_ [19:0f] connid 00da032487de52ea generated for client=860(ors_digital_common_aws_p), ref id=0, method name=ORS: *AJTGP89HA972PDQ3E1TK6GRHD802BA3T
received for 00da032487de52ea kvmessage CreateVCall
key Context [list] value: (size=0)
key CustomerID [String] value: "TMI_Common"
key Method [list] value: (size=0)
key Name [String] value: "RunStrategy"
key Params [list] value: (size=0)
key Strategy [String] value: "ORS"
_T_I_00da032487de52ea [01:11] connid 00da032487de52ea is bound to the call 753-1c598a0b1b0
_T_I_00da032487de52ea [01:1b] calluuid *AJTGP89HA972PDQ3E1TK6GRHD802BA3T is bound to the call 753-1c598a0b1b0 as 1c598a27fe0
09:18:19.186_I_I_00da032487de52ea [01:01] call (753-1c598a0b1b0) for TMI_Common created (del=0 ts=0,1,0,0)
_I_I_00da032487de52ea [09:0e] script 1c597383178 DS 1c5986ed620 [4] +r (0 0) (1 1c5986eea08)
_I_I_ [25:01] script **ORS usage +1=16
_I_I_00da032487de52ea [1B:01] strategy: **ORS (1085200831) is attached to the call
09:18:19.186 Int 20001 interaction 00da032487de52ea is started
_I_I_00da032487de52ea [01:14] current call classification: media=voice(1238), service=default(1263), segment=default(1264)
09:18:19.186_I_I_00da032487de52ea [09:06] >>>>>>>>>>>>start interp()
_I_I_00da032487de52ea [09:04] ASSIGN Name(SCRIPT) <- STRING[18,11]: "ScxmlServer"
_I_I_00da032487de52ea [09:0e] script 1c597388778 DS 1c598994840 [97] +r (93 14) (1 1c598991ba8)
_I_I_ [25:01] script **ScxmlServer usage +1=16
09:18:19.186_I_I_00da032487de52ea [07:48] func will be continued(0,b600199)
09:18:19.186_I_I_00da032487de52ea [09:04] <<<<<<<<<<<<suspend interp(JUMPING), func:CallStrategy timers:00001 8000c000:0 20
_R_I_ [19:18] call *AJTGP89HA972PDQ3E1TK6GRHD802BA3T not found, message is stored (up to 1000 msec)
09:18:19.186_I_I_00da032487de52ea [07:49] func is continued(0,b600199)
_I_I_00da032487de52ea [07:43] call strategy **ScxmlServer (level=2, crc=4167199099)
_I_I_00da032487de52ea [09:06] SCXML: init session SID=1J6JL4AD613ENAKM3UNBDTBMP40000NH, doc=ScxmlServer
09:18:19.186_I_I_00da032487de52ea [09:06] >>>>>>>>>>>>start interp()
_I_I_00da032487de52ea [07:46] no error mode for this call
_I_I_00da032487de52ea [09:04] ASSIGN v:0:this(LOCAL) <- OBJECT:1c59736d498[Global]={"Class":"Global"}
_I_I_00da032487de52ea [09:04] ASSIGN v:0:_genesys(LOCAL) <- OBJECT:1c598a10fe8[Object]={}
_I_I_00da032487de52ea [09:06] <<<<<<<<<<<<stop interp
_I_I_00da032487de52ea [09:06] SCXML: session SID=1J6JL4AD613ENAKM3UNBDTBMP40000NH initialized
09:18:19.186_I_I_00da032487de52ea [1c:06] SCXML: {{{{{start session SID=1J6JL4AD613ENAKM3UNBDTBMP40000NH
_I_I_00da032487de52ea [1c:06] 1. SCXML: look for transitions (1)
_I_I_00da032487de52ea [1c:05] 2. SCXML: microstep
_I_I_00da032487de52ea [1c:05] 2.1 SCXML: microstep exitting phase
_I_I_00da032487de52ea [1c:05] 2.2 SCXML: microstep transiting phase
_I_I_00da032487de52ea [1c:05] 2.3 SCXML: microstep entering phase
_L_I_00da032487de52ea [1c:03] SCXML: entering state <initial>
09:18:19.186_I_I_00da032487de52ea [09:08] >>>>>>>>>>>>start interp(f:0:_d_1_initial)
_I_I_00da032487de52ea [09:04] ASSIGN p:25:this(LOCAL) <- OBJECT:1c59736d498[Global]={"Class":"Global"}
09:18:19.186_I_I_00da032487de52ea [09:04] <<<<<<<<<<<<suspend interp(NONE), func:SCXMLGetEvent timers:00000 8000c002:4 26
_I_I_00da032487de52ea [1c:06] 1. SCXML: look for transitions (2)[/list][/list][/list]