Author Topic: Genesys - Workspace Desktop Edition - Out of Service error message  (Read 3644 times)

Offline rbvillah

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For more than a month now, most of the time, I keep on getting a "The channel voice, instant messaging SIP_Switch_MAC is out of service" or 'The channel voice, instant messaging SIP_Switch_ROD is out of service" error message when a call comes in.

I already tried WDE with 2 computers and tried to connect them both on 2 different ISP's but same issue.

Logs that I think is related with the problem:

21-10-14 14:15:31.961 [ 86] ERROR xy2.CommonConnection - [ConnId =66] tcp://MACHPA-GENS4B01:5001 connection is firing 'Closed' event with: Exception System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): No such host is known at System.Net.Dns.HostResolutionEndHelper(IAsyncResult asyncResult) at System.Net.Dns.EndGetHostEntry(IAsyncResult asyncResult) at Genesyslab.Platform.Commons.Connection.CommonConnection.DnsResolveAction.Commit() at Genesyslab.Platform.Commons.Connection.CommonConnection.OpenCloseSequence.Commit() 21-10-14 14:15:32.523 [ 40] DEBUG ice.Voice.MediaVoice - [DisasterRecovery] Check if SipPhone is available(14902@SIP_Switch_MAC) 21-10-14 14:15:32.523 [ 40] DEBUG ice.Voice.MediaVoice - [DisasterRecovery]SipPhone is registered on 14902@SIP_Switch_MAC continue with current ... 21-10-14 14:15:32.523 [ 40] DEBUG ice.Voice.MediaVoice - [DisasterRecovery]Agent in state Logout wait for state Logout on 14902@SIP_Switch_MAC 21-10-14 14:15:32.523 [ 40] DEBUG ice.Voice.MediaVoice - TimerCheckDRByDNOutOfService CheckDRByDNOutOfService [voice, instant messaging SIP_Switch_MAC, AgentId:rvillahe, SIP_Switch_MAC(14902)] 21-10-14 14:15:32.523 [ 40] DEBUG ice.Voice.MediaVoice - [DisasterRecovery]Timer set for Waiting for SIPPhone Registration for 40 Seconds for 14902@SIP_Switch_MAC 21-10-14 14:15:33.154 [ 17] DEBUG ndpointCommunication - SIPEndpoint::timerPingSipEndpoint_Elapsed 21-10-14 14:15:33.154 [ 17] DEBUG peServiceSIPEndpoint - CheckAvailableService() -- successCount: 1325 -- service: Ping() 21-10-14 14:15:33.154 [ 17] DEBUG peServiceSIPEndpoint - CheckAvailableService() -- successCount: 1326 -- service: SIPEndpointParameters get 21-10-14 14:15:34.212 [.PCT.Invoker#2] DEBUG ESDK - Handle '2' 'EventInfo statsv_rpt_ROD_1_1 21-10-14 14:15:34.663 [ 17] DEBUG ndpointCommunication - SIPEndpoint::timerPingSipEndpoint_Elapsed 21-10-14 14:15:34.663 [ 17] DEBUG peServiceSIPEndpoint - CheckAvailableService() -- successCount: 1327 -- service: Ping() 21-10-14 14:15:34.663 [ 17] DEBUG peServiceSIPEndpoint - CheckAvailableService() -- successCount: 1328 -- service: SIPEndpointParameters get 21-10-14 14:15:36.163 [ 17] DEBUG ndpointCommunication - SIPEndpoint::timerPingSipEndpoint_Elapsed 21-10-14 14:15:36.163 [ 17] DEBUG peServiceSIPEndpoint - CheckAvailableService

I also get a *** System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException: There was no endpoint listening at net.pipe//localhost/SIPPipe/14902_172.17.19.(willnotadd):(willnotadd)/5060/14902 that could accept the message. This is often caused by incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details. ---> System.IO.PipeException: The pipe endpoint 'net.pipe//localhost/SIPPipe/14902_172.17.19.(willnotadd):(willnotadd)/5060/14902' could not be found on your local machine *** error message on, I believe, one of my PC's only.

I just updated my visual studio redistributables yesterday but same issue, I tried to test if it will solve my issue, by calling our voicemail bank, but I get those error messages as well.

WDE Version is 851.48.4.3.

Any help / advice would be much appreciated. P.S. our telecom team can't freaking give me a proper solution, they didn't bother checking my logs too smh

Offline cavagnaro

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Re: Genesys - Workspace Desktop Edition - Out of Service error message
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2021, 02:26:37 AM »
You seem to have a network issue, maybe try to test your DNS servers with nslookup and see how are they resolving the Genesys Servers names

Offline hsujdik

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Re: Genesys - Workspace Desktop Edition - Out of Service error message
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2021, 10:26:50 PM »
To me, this looks more like the ping that WDE does to SIP Endpoint on the namedpipe is not being responded by the SIP Endpoint...

could you check if Workspace SIP Endpoint installed under the same folder as WDE? (there should be a InteractionWorkspaceSIPEndpoint folder inside your WDE installation folder).

Also, could you check that, when you log into WDE, there is a process named as InteractionWorkspaceSIPEndpoint.exe running?

Offline cavagnaro

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Re: Genesys - Workspace Desktop Edition - Out of Service error message
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2021, 11:01:40 PM »
tcp://MACHPA-GENS4B01:5001 connection is firing 'Closed' event with: Exception System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): No such host is known at System.Net.Dns.HostResolutionEndHelper(IAsyncResult asyncResult) at System.Net.Dns.EndGetHostEntry(IAsyncResult asyncResult)

This is clearly a DNS issue.

The other, I agree, seems to be an already opened connection having issues later. Check your PC resources, I have seen that on Citrix/VDI environments for example, where the virtual machine was not able to process all requests