For more than a month now, most of the time, I keep on getting a "The channel voice, instant messaging SIP_Switch_MAC is out of service" or 'The channel voice, instant messaging SIP_Switch_ROD is out of service" error message when a call comes in.
I already tried WDE with 2 computers and tried to connect them both on 2 different ISP's but same issue.
Logs that I think is related with the problem:
21-10-14 14:15:31.961 [ 86] ERROR xy2.CommonConnection - [ConnId =66] tcp://MACHPA-GENS4B01:5001 connection is firing 'Closed' event with: Exception System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): No such host is known at System.Net.Dns.HostResolutionEndHelper(IAsyncResult asyncResult) at System.Net.Dns.EndGetHostEntry(IAsyncResult asyncResult) at Genesyslab.Platform.Commons.Connection.CommonConnection.DnsResolveAction.Commit() at Genesyslab.Platform.Commons.Connection.CommonConnection.OpenCloseSequence.Commit() 21-10-14 14:15:32.523 [ 40] DEBUG ice.Voice.MediaVoice - [DisasterRecovery] Check if SipPhone is available(14902@SIP_Switch_MAC) 21-10-14 14:15:32.523 [ 40] DEBUG ice.Voice.MediaVoice - [DisasterRecovery]SipPhone is registered on 14902@SIP_Switch_MAC continue with current ... 21-10-14 14:15:32.523 [ 40] DEBUG ice.Voice.MediaVoice - [DisasterRecovery]Agent in state Logout wait for state Logout on 14902@SIP_Switch_MAC 21-10-14 14:15:32.523 [ 40] DEBUG ice.Voice.MediaVoice - TimerCheckDRByDNOutOfService CheckDRByDNOutOfService [voice, instant messaging SIP_Switch_MAC, AgentId:rvillahe, SIP_Switch_MAC(14902)] 21-10-14 14:15:32.523 [ 40] DEBUG ice.Voice.MediaVoice - [DisasterRecovery]Timer set for Waiting for SIPPhone Registration for 40 Seconds for 14902@SIP_Switch_MAC 21-10-14 14:15:33.154 [ 17] DEBUG ndpointCommunication - SIPEndpoint::timerPingSipEndpoint_Elapsed 21-10-14 14:15:33.154 [ 17] DEBUG peServiceSIPEndpoint - CheckAvailableService() -- successCount: 1325 -- service: Ping() 21-10-14 14:15:33.154 [ 17] DEBUG peServiceSIPEndpoint - CheckAvailableService() -- successCount: 1326 -- service: SIPEndpointParameters get 21-10-14 14:15:34.212 [.PCT.Invoker#2] DEBUG ESDK - Handle '2' 'EventInfo statsv_rpt_ROD_1_1 21-10-14 14:15:34.663 [ 17] DEBUG ndpointCommunication - SIPEndpoint::timerPingSipEndpoint_Elapsed 21-10-14 14:15:34.663 [ 17] DEBUG peServiceSIPEndpoint - CheckAvailableService() -- successCount: 1327 -- service: Ping() 21-10-14 14:15:34.663 [ 17] DEBUG peServiceSIPEndpoint - CheckAvailableService() -- successCount: 1328 -- service: SIPEndpointParameters get 21-10-14 14:15:36.163 [ 17] DEBUG ndpointCommunication - SIPEndpoint::timerPingSipEndpoint_Elapsed 21-10-14 14:15:36.163 [ 17] DEBUG peServiceSIPEndpoint - CheckAvailableService
I also get a *** System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException: There was no endpoint listening at net.pipe//localhost/SIPPipe/14902_172.17.19.(willnotadd):(willnotadd)/5060/14902 that could accept the message. This is often caused by incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details. ---> System.IO.PipeException: The pipe endpoint 'net.pipe//localhost/SIPPipe/14902_172.17.19.(willnotadd):(willnotadd)/5060/14902' could not be found on your local machine *** error message on, I believe, one of my PC's only.
I just updated my visual studio redistributables yesterday but same issue, I tried to test if it will solve my issue, by calling our voicemail bank, but I get those error messages as well.
WDE Version is 851.48.4.3.
Any help / advice would be much appreciated. P.S. our telecom team can't freaking give me a proper solution, they didn't bother checking my logs too smh