Author Topic: Unable to debug composer application  (Read 3207 times)

Offline abdulwahe

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Unable to debug composer application
« on: October 01, 2020, 11:48:37 AM »

I have created a small voice application. I want to debug it in Genesys Composer. When I press the Debug option it says "Default debugging preferences are not set.  Please set the values in the preference page." if I understood it well, it wants me to create a default configuration.

I went to Debug Configuraitons option and provided the configurations. There are four options to do this [b]DNIS[/b], [b]Application URL[/b], [b]Workplace location[/b], [b]Callflow diagram[/b]. I am not sure which option I should choose. I tried the CallFlow diagram option, but it did not work. It gives me the error "Launching New_Configuration has encountered a problem. Could not start the debug target."

Can anyone please tell me which option I should use and do I need anything to make it working e.g. SIP phone?

Also, what these four options meant? Which option should I use if I want to test the voice application off-line (within composer/eclipe).
« Last Edit: October 01, 2020, 11:59:12 AM by abdulwahe »

Offline Kubig

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Re: Unable to debug composer application
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2020, 12:09:27 PM »
You need SIP phone to be able to debug Composer application in general. I recommend to check public deployment guide where this step is described very well