Hi Gabi,
Can you explain more about how you installed PSDK Java?
Did you follow the instructions in the readme.txt file?
In the lib\pom folder you should have a number of .pom files such as 'appblocks-bom.pom' and 'protocol.bom'
To build the project, follow one of the next instructions.
Build with Maven.
Install parent pom files to the local repo (or upload to your company repository manager, for example Nexus):
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install-file -Dfile=<Platform SDK Folder>\lib\pom\appblocks-bom.pom -DpomFile=<Platform SDK Folder>\lib\pom\appblocks-bom.pom
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install-file -Dfile=<Platform SDK Folder>\lib\pom\protocols-bom.pom -DpomFile=<Platform SDK Folder>\lib\pom\protocols-bom.pom
Install all Platform SDK libraries from <Platform SDK Folder>\lib to maven local repository.
For example:
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install-file -Dfile=<Platform SDK Folder>\lib\kvlists.jar -DpomFile=<Platform SDK Folder>\lib\pom\kvlists.pom
Import Maven project from <Platform SDK Folder>\applicationblocks\com to you IDE.
Pay attention, that “generated” folder should be added to Source Path in you IDE to avoid errors highlighting.
However, during Maven build, “generated” folder will be automatically attached to source path
with build-helper-maven-plugin, defined in the pom file.
To build the project from command line, run "mvn clean install" command under the
<Platform SDK Folder>\applicationblocks\com directory. It will build and install
Configuration Object Model Application Block artifact to the local Maven repository.