Author Topic: Customization in WDE. Use InteractionEmailReply with InteractionEmailSend  (Read 2570 times)

Offline TheSone

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I need to respond to an email through a WDE customization.

I am taking the following commands.

- InteractionEmailReply
- InteractionEmailSend


            IDictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            parameters.Add("CommandParameter", CustomModule.SttAccess.IInEmail);
            parameters.Add("ReplyAll", null);
            parameters.Add("UserData", null);
            parameters.Add("SignatureParameters", null);


            IDictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();

            this.IOutMail.EntrepriseEmailInteractionCurrent.MessageText = messageReplay;
            parameters.Add("CommandParameter", this.IOutMail);

But the email response is sent blank, as if it did not have data in the mail output.

I wanted to know if I need any commands or how to update the fields inside the IInteractionOutboundEmail to be able to send an email with Subject and text message.


Offline RobertH

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If I'm not mistaking, you do reply with null and moreover reply command chain is not sending email.
Command chain reply does create outbound reply interaction with its content. setting null attributes is not a good idea. It will break ucs threading.
Send command, will send outbound reply interaction. But god knows, how it will behave with broken outbound reply interaction created in previous step.

You must go step by step. First you have to create outbound reply and double check attributes in ucs and its content.

Then the send action as second step. Interaction content gets updated and attributes of contact, plus diposition and notes. Interaction is then placed in outbound queue for routing.
It is bit tricky, but not impossible.

Odoslané z D5803 pomocou Tapatalku

Offline TheSone

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Thanks for answering.

Sure, but if you send the email but no data. That is, without subject without message, only with the recipient.

You tell me that I first have to create the output response attributes. But what would be the command to be able to create the attributes within the IInteractionOutboundEmail.

And you reffieres with "double check attributes in ucs and its content".

If it's a bit complicated, that's why I've come to you.

Thank you

Offline RobertH

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The outbound interaction must/can be created using esdk. If you will check developers guide, there is possibility to instantiate interaction service and make interactions. Within parameters you can specify subtype and parent interaction. It is necessary to double check everything in contact server. Br Robert

Odoslané z D5803 pomocou Tapatalku